alwx / react-native-http-bridge

HTTP server for React Native
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Code sample not up to date #15

Open klehmann opened 5 years ago

klehmann commented 5 years ago

I just tried to run the code sample (on iOS) and found out that the first parameter for the respond method call is not correct.

The sample should look like this:

componentWillMount() {
      // initalize the server (now accessible via localhost:1234)
      httpBridge.start(5561, "bonjourName", function(request) {

          // you can use request.url, request.type and request.postData here
          if (request.type === "GET" && request.url.split("/")[1] === "users") {
            httpBridge.respond(request.requestId, 200, "application/json", "{\"message\": \"OK\"}");
          } else {
            httpBridge.respond(request.requestId, 400, "application/json", "{\"message\": \"Bad Request\"}");


request.requestId is missing in your code.

Edit: Just saw that pull request #10 contains the same correction.