alyf-de / banking

An Open Banking Integration with ERPNext
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Offer return invoices for matching #56

Open barredterra opened 9 months ago

barredterra commented 9 months ago

Use case

We receive a purchase invoice for $100 and, before the first invoice is paid, a credit note for $10. We create a bank transfer for the outstanding $90.


The credit note does not show up in the bank reconciliation tool. We could only reconcile with the $100 invoice and would leave the $10 unreconciled. Instead, we have to take the long route of creating a Payment Entry in the full form and fetching outstanding invoices there.

Proposed Solution

Show unpaid return invoices as well:

def get_unpaid_pi_matching_query(exact_match, exact_party_match, currency, company):
    purchase_invoice = frappe.qb.DocType("Purchase Invoice")

    party_condition = purchase_invoice.supplier == Parameter("%(party)s")
    party_match = frappe.qb.terms.Case().when(party_condition, 1).else_(0)

    grand_total_condition = purchase_invoice.grand_total == Parameter("%(amount)s")
    amount_match = frappe.qb.terms.Case().when(grand_total_condition, 1).else_(0)

    query = (
            (party_match + amount_match + 1).as_("rank"),
            ConstantColumn("Purchase Invoice").as_("doctype"),
        .where(purchase_invoice.docstatus == 1)
        .where( == company)
-       .where(purchase_invoice.is_return == 0)
-       .where(purchase_invoice.outstanding_amount > 0.0)
+       .where(purchase_invoice.outstanding_amount != 0.0)
        .where(purchase_invoice.currency == currency)

    if exact_match:
        query = query.where(grand_total_condition)
    if exact_party_match:
        query = query.where(party_condition)

    return str(query)

The same applies to Sales Invoice.

marination commented 9 months ago

@barredterra Cant the bank transaction be reconciled with the unpaid invoice?

I tried the use case on the sales side. Due to the debit note, the original invoice's outstanding becomes 90 from 100. The Bank Transaction is also for 90 Euros, so it knocks off right ?

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 4 42 52 PM Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 4 43 06 PM
barredterra commented 9 months ago

Note to self: check if this is still an issue

barredterra commented 2 months ago

@marination after a customer reported a similar issue again, I reproduced this on the selling side:

  1. Create a Sales Invoice
  2. Create a Bank Transaction for the full amount
  3. Reconcile the Sales Invoice with a Bank Transaction
  4. Create a credit note, refunding above sales invoice (make sure to enable Update Outstanding Against Self)
  5. Create a Bank Transaction for the refund
  6. Try to reconcile the bank transaction with the credit note

-> The credit note does not show up in our Bank Reconciliation Tool, no matter what filters I set.

According to a customer, the same issue exists for the corresponding workflow on the selling side. Also, the likely workaround of creating a Payment Entry first, then reconciling it, does not work (cannot receive payment from supplier without allocating a credit note).

marination commented 1 month ago

2 cases:

If we allows unpaid invoices, unpaid returns should also be allowed to make the tool useful. It will be annoying if half the reco has to be done manually.