alyssaq / face_morpher

:angel: Morph faces with Python, Numpy, Scipy
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Averager OpenCV Error: Unsupported format or combination of formats #52

Open Tanath opened 5 years ago

Tanath commented 5 years ago

~/.local/bin/faceaverager --images=../gf --out=average.jpg output:

OpenCV Error: Unsupported format or combination of formats (The image/matrix format is not supported by the function) in cvBoundingRect, file /home/tanath/.cache/pacaur/opencv2/src/opencv-, line 970 /home/tanath/.cache/pacaur/opencv2/src/opencv- error: (-210) The image/matrix format is not supported by the function in function cvBoundingRect

They're all jpeg/jpg, and a single png. I've tried without the png to keep it consistent, but no change.

Also, it seems to be running from temporary files which seems like it'll be a serious issue once they're cleared.

alyssaq commented 5 years ago

Ive been having a lot of problems with opencv because of openCV4 and the updates to 3 on homebrew. The default branch now uses dlib and I hope you'll try this version instead.