alyssaq / face_morpher

:angel: Morph faces with Python, Numpy, Scipy
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The problem with inaccurate face detection #55

Open q838458640 opened 5 years ago

q838458640 commented 5 years ago


Take a look at this picture, I put the points of face detection in green on the picture, obviously you can see that some points are not accurate enough, how can we improve the accuracy of these points.Is this a problem you want to solve? If you are interested, we can discuss it.My email is

alyssaq commented 5 years ago

The face detection is done by the dlib library. You can try the opencv branch which uses stasm.

provostm commented 3 years ago

I got the same issue when I used babies pictures. I think the training of dlib face detector has been done on "bigger" faces.