am15h / object_detection_flutter

Truly realtime object-detection in flutter
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error solution : - after cloning the git #25

Open debjeetdebnath opened 3 years ago

debjeetdebnath commented 3 years ago

if you getting this error Flutter Build Error: Process 'command 'E:\Flutter Apps\flutter\bin\flutter.bat'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

then do this :- I had the same problem after this command flutter upgrade and upgrading from V 1.22 to V 1.27. Exactly what I did, I went to pubspec.yaml then pub-get & pub-upgrde I found there's many outdated packages then I tried pub-outdated and the AS failed to upgrade it, the it's suggests to me to run this command flutter pub upgrade --major-versions and I saw that it's successfully downloaded and installed outdated packages, Then I do Invalided Caches & restarted AS because I found it's cached about 5GB on C partition, and finally I run the app normally again without any problems.

after this run flutter run or flutter run --no-sound-null-safety