Open leeflix opened 3 years ago
I found out that the reason for this behavious is the normalization in the image processor. If I remove .add(NormalizeOp(127.5, 127.5))
I get the following results:
runs: 100
avg: 51ms
min: 30ms
max: 148ms
Does anyone have an explanation for this behaviour?
Thanks for the analysis @FelixBruebach.
NormalizeOp is an expensive operation. I don't think it can be optimized any further, therefore if you can use a quantized model rather than float, you should be able to achieve minimum possible latency.
I don't have very accurate comments on the nature of the graphs you have shared, but as per the benchmarking tests I have conducted (on object_detection_flutter) earlier, a float model (using normalizeop) would at max take 2X time than the quantized counterpart when using the application.
The graphs plot the deltatimes (needed for processing an image) that are calculated in the loop (see code).
I made a fork of object_detection_flutter and replaced the model with a trained model (ssd_mobiledet_cpu_coco) from the Model Zoo 1 of the TensorFlow Object Detection API and added the NormalizeOp.
You could pull the fork to observe the behaviour yourself or watch the video I also added to the fork where I record the issue. In the video you can see that sometime the pre-processing time spikes over 2 seconds which is a factor of ~100.
Could you share the project you conducted the benchmark on? Maybe I could find my error that way. @am15h
I finally get a really good latency by replacing the ImageProcessor with a NormalizeOp with the following code to normalize the input:
static Uint8List imageToByteListFloat32(
Image image,
double mean,
double std,
) {
var convertedBytes = Float32List(1 * image.height * image.width * 3);
var buffer = Float32List.view(convertedBytes.buffer);
int pixelIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < image.height; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < image.width; j++) {
var pixel = image.getPixel(j, i);
buffer[pixelIndex++] = (getRed(pixel) - mean) / std;
buffer[pixelIndex++] = (getGreen(pixel) - mean) / std;
buffer[pixelIndex++] = (getBlue(pixel) - mean) / std;
return convertedBytes.buffer.asUint8List();
I found this code in the example of the other TFLite Plugin for Flutter "Tflite" (I changed the code a little though).
Feel free to close this issue, but I still think that there is something odd about the implementation of NormalizeOp. But sadly I have no clue as to what the reason could be.
Thanks @FelixBruebach. Glad that you are able to achieve better results. I will need to investigate the differences and check if this procedure can be made compatible with the current image processor architecture.
We've also seen people complained about the performance of NormalizeOp in TFLite Support. Weirdly though, I remembered that I didn't reproduce the bad performance.
Thanks for the information. I will take a deeper look.
@leeflix please can you provide the entire code in which you replace NormalizeOp by this function for better efficiency, because I don't understand when you resize your image and normalize?
@AntoineChauviere This is a class I wrote in order to use EfficientDet Lite:
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:image/image.dart';
import 'package:quiver/iterables.dart';
import 'package:tflite_flutter/tflite_flutter.dart';
import '../object_detection/data/bounding_box.dart';
import '../object_detection/data/detection.dart';
class EfficientDetLite {
final Interpreter _interpreter;
final List<String> _labelMap;
final int _inputWidth;
final int _inputHeight;
final Interpolation _interpolation = Interpolation.linear;
) : _inputWidth = _interpreter.getInputTensors()[0].shape[2],
_inputHeight = _interpreter.getInputTensors()[0].shape[1];
static Future<EfficientDetLite> fromAssets({
required interpreterAssetName,
required labelMapAssetName,
}) async {
if (threads == null) {
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
threads = 4;
} else if (Platform.isIOS) {
threads = 2;
} else {
threads = 1;
Interpreter interpreter = await Interpreter.fromAsset(
options: InterpreterOptions()..threads = threads,
List<String> labelMap =
(await rootBundle.loadString('assets/$labelMapAssetName'))
.split("${Platform.isAndroid ? "\r" : ""}\n");
return EfficientDetLite(interpreter, labelMap);
List<Detection> detect(Image inputImage) {
if (inputImage.width - inputImage.height != 0) throw Error();
Image image = copyResize(
width: _inputWidth,
height: _inputHeight,
interpolation: _interpolation,
var input = _imageToUint8List(image);
var output0 = List.filled(1 * 25, 0).reshape([1, 25]);
var output1 = List.filled(1 * 25 * 4, 0).reshape([1, 25, 4]);
var output2 = List.filled(1, 0).reshape([1]);
var output3 = List.filled(1 * 25, 0).reshape([1, 25]);
{0: output0, 1: output1, 2: output2, 3: output3},
List<Detection> detections =
zip<dynamic>([output1[0], output0[0], output3[0]])
(x) => Detection(
xmin: (x[0][1] * inputImage.width).round(),
ymin: (x[0][0] * inputImage.height).round(),
xmax: (x[0][3] * inputImage.width).round(),
ymax: (x[0][2] * inputImage.height).round(),
return detections;
static Uint8List _imageToUint8List(Image image) {
var bytes = Uint8List(1 * image.height * image.width * 3);
var buffer = Uint8List.view(bytes.buffer);
int i = 0;
for (var y = 0; y < image.height; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x < image.width; x++) {
int pixel = image.getPixel(x, y);
buffer[i++] = getRed(pixel);
buffer[i++] = getGreen(pixel);
buffer[i++] = getBlue(pixel);
return bytes.buffer.asUint8List();
Any ideas why the latency of applying an image processor to a tensor image varies so drastically?
Code to reproduce: