am2222 / strapi-plugin-postgis

Add native postgis support to strapi.
40 stars 14 forks source link

Strapi >= 4.5 #10

Closed Arrig0 closed 1 year ago

Arrig0 commented 1 year ago



This PR allow the plugin to work on strapi >= 4.5.x. Since they wouldn't work on previous releases, it would be advisable to create a branch only for strapi version >= 4.5.x.

Documentation changes

Schema.json for content type should change from:

  "columnType": {
    "type": "specificType",
    "args": [
      "geometry(POINT,4326)" //-> change this line according to the Supported Data Types section
  "type": "json", //->don't change this
  "fieldRenderer": "postgis" //->don't change this


  "columnType": {
    "type": "specificType",
    "args": [
      "geometry(POINT,4326)" //-> change this line according to the Supported Data Types section
  "type": "customField", //->don't change this
  "customField": "" //->don't change this
am2222 commented 1 year ago

@Arrig0 thanks for the pull request! I merged it. I think we just support the latest versions of strapi!

Arrig0 commented 1 year ago

@am2222 Remember to update I've just created a handy PR to merge (#11)

am2222 commented 1 year ago

@Arrig0 Thanks! I was planning to update it. I appreciate it!