During running the "multilayer_supervised" in matlab, I got an error as below:
Reference to non-existent field 'W'.
Error in stack2params (line 31)
assert(mod(size(stack{d+1}.W, 2), size(stack{d}.W, 1)) == 0, ...
Error in supervised_dnn_cost (line 85)
[grad] = stack2params(gradStack);
Error in minFunc (line 314)
[f,g] = funObj(x,varargin{:});
Error in run_train (line 45)
[opt_params,opt_value,exitflag,output] = minFunc(@supervised_dnn_cost,...
It seems that the error came from the ''stack2params.m''. But I do not find out where the error is in the code. I used the ''stack2params.m'' directly and do not make any modification. Is there any modification be needed? Could anyone help me with this out? Thank you so much.
During running the "multilayer_supervised" in matlab, I got an error as below:
Reference to non-existent field 'W'. Error in stack2params (line 31) assert(mod(size(stack{d+1}.W, 2), size(stack{d}.W, 1)) == 0, ... Error in supervised_dnn_cost (line 85) [grad] = stack2params(gradStack); Error in minFunc (line 314) [f,g] = funObj(x,varargin{:}); Error in run_train (line 45) [opt_params,opt_value,exitflag,output] = minFunc(@supervised_dnn_cost,...
It seems that the error came from the ''stack2params.m''. But I do not find out where the error is in the code. I used the ''stack2params.m'' directly and do not make any modification. Is there any modification be needed? Could anyone help me with this out? Thank you so much.