amabnl / amadeus-ws-client

PHP Amadeus SOAP Web Service client library
Apache License 2.0
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Closed oleksandr-troitskyi closed 5 years ago

oleksandr-troitskyi commented 5 years ago

We receive next error for some of carriers while issuing tickets: 10609 MANDATORY SSRFOID MISSING FOR CARRIER

We found that some companies need SR FOID MU HK1-PP12345678/P1 like command to alternatively add passenger data. Is it possible to do that by amadeus-ws-client now? I did not found any mentions of FOID in this repository except

DerMika commented 5 years ago

You need this:

Type of the SSR is "FOID" in this case.

vallerion commented 5 years ago

@DerMika i try to use "FOID" in request from link, but i got error 8110 element INVALID SSR. Can you help me?

oleksandr-troitskyi commented 5 years ago

@DerMika Can you please help with this issue?

DerMika commented 5 years ago

You'd better ask Amadeus Support how you should send the SSRFOID to Amadeus in order to achieve what it is you want to achieve.

After you have that information, I'll be able to help you how to do that using this library.

It may depend on the specific requirements the airline has and that's beyond the scope of this library.

vallerion commented 5 years ago

@DerMika Amadeus support answered that in amadeus console the request for add ssr should look like this SR FOID IB HK1-PP12345678/P1

if I understand correctly, we need to send in the following format the passenger documents data: HK1-PP12345678

maybe you can suggest something?

oleksandr-troitskyi commented 5 years ago

Hello, @DerMika. Can you please help us with this issue?

DerMika commented 5 years ago

Hi, sorry for the delay, looking into it right now.

DerMika commented 5 years ago

So the element to add to the PNR is probably this:

use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Element\ServiceRequest;
use Amadeus\Client\RequestOptions\Pnr\Reference;

new ServiceRequest([
    'status' => 'HK',
    'type' => 'FOID',
    'company' => 'IB',
    'freeText' => 'PP12345678',
    'references' => [
        new Reference([
            'type' => Reference::TYPE_PASSENGER_REQUEST,
            'id' => 1

depending on your usecase, you could need either TYPE_PASSENGER_REQUEST or TYPE_PASSENGER_TATTOO.

DerMika commented 5 years ago

Closing due to lack of feedback. you can re-open if needed