amacneil / docker-bitcoin

Bitcoin images for Docker
MIT License
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clarification / help on docker -v parameter #41

Open johndpope opened 7 years ago

johndpope commented 7 years ago


I noticed you had some historical contribution to toshi code base some time back. I'm actually attempting to run the old coin base code for toshi - and noticed you are using a -v switch in this repo to use host disk- is that correct?

I looked around for similar switch with docker-compose - but it said use volume did you ever use it? I'm attempting sync the production blockchain and am a tiny bit exasperated because keep running out of disk space and having to start all over. been at it for over a week now.

I have at the moment I've given up trying to run redis / postgres in docker and used local host instead.

in general - do you know if is it actually possible to have a docker container save the data to local host instead of inside container?