amadornes / MCMultiPart

A universal multipart API for Modern Minecraft
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New API Questions #115

Closed SonarSonic closed 6 years ago

SonarSonic commented 6 years ago

Hi There, I'm the dev of which relies heavily on MCMultipart (thanks very much for all your work btw).

I'm currently porting to 1.12.2 and I'm planning to depend entirely on MCMultipart (as I did on 1.10.2) and not have it as a soft dependency. However, having real trouble with getting multiparts to actually form, I have a block a which implements IMultipart and a tile which implement IMultipartTile and has the capability also, using ItemBlockMultipart to place it. They're bounding boxes do not cross, but they simply won't form a multipart container, are their additional methods I need to override?

I tried canPlacePartAt and canPlacePartOnSide, but if both of these return true the block is overwritten rather than combined, despite it being in a different PartSlot. Any pointers in the right direction will be hugely appreciated! Thanks!

2xsaiko commented 6 years ago

Try debugging it, I guess? (Start at ItemBlockMultipart#placePartAt) Without your code there isn't anything to go off of. The parts overriding themselves does sound like they have the same IPartSlot, though

SonarSonic commented 6 years ago

Thank you that was exactly what I needed, I hadn't realised the getSlotForPlacement didn't pass the parts IBlockState from getStateForPlacement.

2xsaiko commented 6 years ago

No problem! :)