re-place the cable, and paint it with the paintbrush manually
take the MUX circuit, and start placing and removing it from the other circuit board from different angles while randomly spamming the IC with the screwdriver
quit the game while looking at the IC while it's not being rendered (as in, the IC was invisible on the circuit board, but it was there (punching it removed the IC from the circuit board))
try to join the game a few times while getting the infamous "tried to receive more than 32767 bytes" kick message
unfocus the game just the right time while the world is loading, so the world'll load AND render while the pause screen is on
I saw the above error message printed in console
I'm using 1.0.3 w/ Forge#2123
Edit: I managed to get the above printed in the console just by loading the mentioned world. I'll zip the world, and upload it (the circuit block's co-ordinate is 4;56;-1)
I'm not able to reproduce the glitch again, but I'll post it anyways because I got a stacktrace in the console.
I remember doing this:
I'm using 1.0.3 w/ Forge#2123
Edit: I managed to get the above printed in the console just by loading the mentioned world. I'll zip the world, and upload it (the circuit block's co-ordinate is 4;56;-1)