amadornes / SCM-Localization-Issues

Localization and issues for Super Circuit Maker
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Teleporting signals #271

Open Kasys opened 8 years ago

Kasys commented 8 years ago

So when you break or squeegee a circuit board it seems to continue working anyways. Made an ugly gif: signal_teleporting_small Bonus: Shenanigans So yeah... wireless is actually in SCM

dokranke commented 8 years ago

Interesting. Well it's a bug but I would like to have something like this in the game

Kasys commented 8 years ago

Well you can do it now if you want. :P You just can't replace the circuits that are transmitting/receiving the singals.

dokranke commented 8 years ago

Right now yes, but it's a bug and need to be fixed. Instead there should be a transmitter and receiver as mentioned in another feature request