amagnasco / xwpe

Upload of an abandoned ncurses-based programming environment
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XWPE_DLL has code but is never defined #62

Open gbonnema opened 7 years ago

gbonnema commented 7 years ago

I checked both current code and original code: XWPE_DLL was never defined. The code it currently hides, opens and reads the dynamic libraries. I suspect this has to do with platform idiosyncracies.

The question is: do we want to keep supporting this code, even though we will never test it?

gbonnema commented 7 years ago

ADDITION: I suspect this was one of the plans of the reorganisation by the previous group. To be honest, I have no idea why you would want to read libraries from your program, in stead of letting libtool organize stuff. To me that is not clear.

I will leave this issue open until you and I have exchanged thoughts about this. Maybe you know or see things I don't.