amagovpt /

Middleware Oficial de Identificação Eletrónica em Portugal - Cartão de Cidadão, da Chave Móvel Digital e Sistema de Certificação de atributos profissionais
European Union Public License 1.2
168 stars 33 forks source link

Cabeçalhos dos campos ilegíveis #60

Closed a-anjos closed 3 years ago

a-anjos commented 3 years ago


Sistema: Linux slick 5.10.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.19-1 (2021-03-02) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Executado no terminal, podemos ver as seguintes mensagens (talvez ajude a identificar o problema?):

$ QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland eidguiV2
C++: Using application scaling.
C++: Application scaling:  1
C++: AppController started. App version:  "3.3.1 - 4000 [ 3095b81e ]"
C++: currentCpuArchitecture(): "x86_64"
C++: prettyProductName(): "Debian GNU/Linux bullseye/sid"
C++: Starting App with graphics acceleration
Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread
C++: GAPI LoadTranslationFile "eidmw_nl" "/usr/local/bin/"
C++: AppController LoadTranslationFile "eidmw_nl" "/usr/local/bin/"
qrc:/main.qml:566:5: QML Dialog: Accessible must be attached to an Item
qml: Resizing app height: 576
qml: Position: (0,0)
qml: Resizing app width: 1024height576
qrc:/components/DialogCMD.qml:30:5: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
qrc:/main.qml:159:5: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
qrc:/main.qml:70:5: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
qml: Window mainWindow Completed
C++: Starting autoUpdateApp
C++ AUTO UPDATES: initRequest updateType =  1
C++ AUTO UPDATES: startRequest:  QUrl("")
C++: Starting autoUpdates Certs
C++ AUTO UPDATES: initRequest updateType =  2
C++ AUTO UPDATES: startRequest:  QUrl("")
C++: Starting autoUpdates News
C++ AUTO UPDATES: initRequest updateType =  3
C++ AUTO UPDATES: startRequest:  QUrl("")
qml: MainForm Completed testmode: false
qml: debugMode: false
C++ AUTO UPDATES: httpReadyRead
C++ AUTO UPDATES: httpFinished httpRequestAborted =  false
C++ AUTO UPDATES: httpFinished
C++ AUTO UPDATES: VerifyAppUpdates
qml: No updates or startup auto update failed.
qml: No App updates or startup auto update failed.
C++ AUTO UPDATES: httpReadyRead
C++ AUTO UPDATES: httpFinished httpRequestAborted =  false
C++ AUTO UPDATES: httpFinished
C++ AUTO UPDATES: VerifyCertsUpdates
C++ AUTO UPDATES: ChooseCertificates
Cert exists:  "/usr/local/share/certs//CartaodeCidadao001.der"
Cert exists:  "/usr/local/share/certs//CartaodeCidadao002.der"
Cert exists:  "/usr/local/share/certs//CartaodeCidadao003.der"
Cert exists:  "/usr/local/share/certs//CartaodeCidadao004.der"
Cert exists:  "/usr/local/share/certs//CartaodeCidadao005.der"
Cert exists:  "/usr/local/share/certs//CartaodeCidadao006.der"
Cert exists:  "/usr/local/share/certs//ECRaizEstado_MC.der"
Cert exists:  "/usr/local/share/certs//ECRaizEstado002.der"
Cert exists:  "/usr/local/share/certs//Multicert_Root_01.der"
Cert exists:  "/usr/local/share/certs//BaltimoreCyberTrustRoot.der"
Cert exists:  "/usr/local/share/certs//GlobalChambersignRoot-2008.der"
Cert exists:  "/usr/local/share/certs//Usertrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.der"
Cert exists:  "/usr/local/share/certs//cacerts.pem"
qml: No updates or startup auto update failed.
qml: No Certs updates or startup auto update failed.
C++ AUTO UPDATES: httpReadyRead
C++ AUTO UPDATES: httpFinished httpRequestAborted =  false
C++ AUTO UPDATES: httpFinished
C++ AUTO UPDATES: VerifyNewsUpdates
C++ AUTO UPDATES: ChooseNews
C++ AUTO UPDATES: Active news entry with id:  "4"
C++ AUTO UPDATES: There are updates available
qml: GAPI.AutoUpdateApp = 1
qml: Page Services Sign Help Form Completed
qrc:/main.qml:1839: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/components/DialogCMD.qml:430: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/components/DialogCMD.qml:437: TypeError: Cannot call method 'getAskToRegisterCmdCertValue' of null
qrc:/components/DialogCMD.qml:386: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/components/DialogCMD.qml:335: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/components/DialogCMD.qml:351: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/components/DialogCMD.qml:262: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/components/DialogCMD.qml:278: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/components/DialogCMD.qml:186: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/components/DialogCMD.qml:232: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/components/DialogCMD.qml:130: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/components/DialogCMD.qml:603: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/components/DialogCMD.qml:577: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/components/DialogCMD.qml:546: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/components/TitleBar.qml:85: TypeError: Cannot call method 'getTestMode' of null
qrc:/components/TitleBar.qml:87: TypeError: Cannot call method 'getDebugModeValue' of null
qrc:/main.qml:896: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:873: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:816: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:847: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:766: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:743: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:718: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:583: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:603: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:641: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:42: TypeError: Cannot call method 'getFontFile' of null
qrc:/main.qml:1668: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:1628: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:1668: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:1628: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:1502: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:1468: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:1502: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:1468: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:1502: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/main.qml:1468: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/scripts/Functions.js:151: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/scripts/Functions.js:151: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
qrc:/scripts/Functions.js:151: TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoTr' of null
a-anjos commented 3 years ago

OK, depois reparei no issue #44, que é a mesma coisa. Removi o pacote fonts-lato, e resolveu. Fiquei é sem essa fonte no LaTeX :(

a-anjos commented 3 years ago

Já agora, acrescento que, sempre que aparece a combinação de letras "fi", estas não são visíveis. Por exemplo: image

agrr commented 3 years ago

Issue já resolvido para Linux, ver também #44