amained / kapuc

[in development] General programming language compiled with LLVM.
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Front-end semantic analysis #11

Open bencinn opened 2 months ago

bencinn commented 2 months ago

Current status: need to make proper parser, currently on structuring!!!! The semantic analysis step need to generate a new tree (code tree?), and pass this to the backend. Code tree need to be simple enough so that we can generate libgccjit representation easily. this ages We currently planned to generate basic structure, then generate LLVM IR that are structured with generational reference (vale thing). Also unsafe mode will be just pure evil. Also should resolve type.

bencinn commented 1 month ago

decided to go with custom IR structure.

bencinn commented 1 month ago

~~Current status on the front-end: hell Current status on the back-end: hell 2~~ We kind of finished "half-working" backend of the compiler, need: