amake / innosetup-docker

Docker image to create Windows installer executables with Inno Setup
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Provide Command Line Compiler Execution options? (iscc command options) #16

Closed MarekChr closed 7 months ago

MarekChr commented 7 months ago

In Dockerfile I can see ENTRYPOINT ["iscc"].

However, is there a way to provide iscc command some options like in docs examples?

To be specific, I want to provide signtool parameters via /S option, but this may be applicable to all options.

amake commented 7 months ago

The way Docker works, the final args to docker run are passed to the entrypoint:

% docker run --rm -it amake/innosetup '/?'
Inno Setup 6 Command-Line Compiler
Copyright (C) 1997-2023 Jordan Russell. All rights reserved.
Portions Copyright (C) 2000-2023 Martijn Laan. All rights reserved.
Portions Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Alex Yackimoff. All rights reserved.

Usage:  iscc [options] scriptfile.iss
or to read from standard input:  iscc [options] -
  /O(+|-)            Enable or disable output (overrides Output)
  /O<path>           Output files to specified path (overrides OutputDir)
  /F<filename>       Overrides OutputBaseFilename with the specified filename
  /S<name>=<command> Sets a SignTool with the specified name and command
  /Q                 Quiet compile (print error messages only)
  /Qp                Enable quiet compile while still displaying progress
  /D<name>[=<value>] Emulate #define public <name> <value>
  /$<letter>(+|-)    Emulate #pragma option -<letter>(+|-)
  /P<letter>(+|-)    Emulate #pragma parseroption -<letter>(+|-)
  /I<paths>          Emulate #pragma include <paths>
  /J<filename>       Emulate #include <filename>
  /{#<string>        Emulate #pragma inlinestart <string>
  /}<string>         Emulate #pragma inlineend <string>
  /V<number>         Emulate #pragma verboselevel <number>
  /?                 Show this help screen

Example: iscc /$c- /Pu+ "/DLic=Trial Lic.txt" /IC:\INC;D:\INC scriptfile.iss