amake / orgro

An Org Mode file viewer for iOS and Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Support for org-roam #17

Open bbigras opened 3 years ago

bbigras commented 3 years ago

It's kinda hard to navigate org-roam files without org-roam.

it lets you search for titles: #+title: note title

and show backlinks.

amake commented 3 years ago

I don't think this is feasible without #5.

amake commented 3 years ago

Can you give me an idea what the file/directory layout looks like when using org-roam? Are all the files stored in the same directory? Are the links relative links like [[./][other file]]?

bbigras commented 3 years ago

It seems some people are using subdirectories (see and the "daily" notes are inside a subdir.

link example [[file:../][materialize]]

layout example

├── daily
│  ├──
│  ├──

There's also an sqlite database (org-roam.db). I'm sure all the links are indexed in there.

Btw, org-roam is going thru a major redesign, see

Org-roam V2 does not recognize file links.'s-Rough-Guide-to-Org-roam-V2#node-id-and-links

amake commented 3 years ago


I am working on implementing relative links.

I am definitely not planning on supporting any sort of DB.

amake commented 3 years ago

Relative file links to Org Mode files are now supported in v1.18.1.

However references to sections (by title or by ID) are not resolved yet. It seems like that is quite important for Org Roam support, right? Or will such links no longer be used in v2? What is the timeline for v2?

nightscape commented 3 years ago

Afaiu, v2 is based solely on ID links. No idea about the timeline, but there is a first alpha available and @jethrokuan is plowing ahead at full speed 😄

jethrokuan commented 3 years ago

However references to sections (by title or by ID) are not resolved yet. It seems like that is quite important for Org Roam support, right? Or will such links no longer be used in v2? What is the timeline for v2?

v2 is centered around ID links.

No idea what the timeline is for v2 either, just continually fixing bugs and bringing improvements until it feels ready for public release.

amake commented 3 years ago

v2 is centered around ID links.

No idea what the timeline is for v2 either, just continually fixing bugs and bringing improvements until it feels ready for public release.

Thanks for the information, @jethrokuan.

Is that id: links or #custom-id links?

jethrokuan commented 3 years ago

Is that id: links or #custom-id links?

id: links.

amake commented 3 years ago


I plan to support local id: links and #custom-id links (linking to sections in the same file) in the next release.

I will also support file: links with #custom-id fragments pointing to other files.

However I don't see a lightweight way to support id: links that point at other files. I'm not really keen on implementing indexing machinery or trying to read prebaked index DBs (if such a thing exists).

amake commented 3 years ago

Improved link support as described above will be in v1.19.0, which is pending approval for testing:

amake commented 3 years ago

v1.19.0 is out for all platforms.