amake / orgro

An Org Mode file viewer for iOS and Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Keyboard binding for Open File #57

Closed permezel closed 2 years ago

permezel commented 2 years ago

My iPadPro has a keyboard attached. It would be nice if the file-open was tied to CMD-o, etc. Also nice if I could just open a bunch of files and leave them open. The standard keyboard bindings for navigating between multiple TABs (ala Safari) would also be nice.

amake commented 2 years ago

Please open separate issues for unrelated requests.

Also nice if I could just open a bunch of files and leave them open.

This would require major rearchitecting of the UI, so I'm calling it out of scope for this ticket, which I have now narrowed to concern keyboard bindings only. Feel free to open a separate ticket.

amake commented 2 years ago

Keyboard shortcuts for open (Cmd/Ctrl+O) and close (Cmd/Ctrl+W) are available in 1.24.0.