amalhotra / galerts

Ruby library to manage google alerts
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Why? uninitialized constant Galerts::AlertsManager (NameError) #5

Closed julioc96 closed 9 years ago

julioc96 commented 9 years ago

root@Test:~# ruby galerts.rb galerts.rb:3:in `

': uninitialized constant Galerts::AlertsManager (NameError)

I just run the example code.

require 'galerts'

g_manager ="","*****")

List alerts: Returns an Array of Alert objects (see lib/galerts/alert.rb)

my_alerts = g_manager.alerts sample_alert = my_alerts.first

Update the google domain of this alert

sample_alert.domain = "" g_manager.update(sample_alert)

Create a new alert for "ruby google alerts" on Google News Spain in real time delivering alerts via email

Note: There are defaults on the create, we list them here for better understanding

g_manager.create("ruby google alerts","es",Galerts::NEWS,Galerts::RT,Galerts::BEST_VOL,false)

Delete an alert


Find an alert by passing a map of attributes

Returns an array of Alert objects

g_manager.find({:query => "ruby google alerts"}) g_manager.find({:query => "ruby google alerts",:domain => "com"}) g_manager.find({:query => "ruby google alerts",:domain => "com",:feed => true})

amalhotra commented 9 years ago

Hi @manuvo - I think the gem on rubygems and the one in this repo are different. is probably what you have ended up using. I shall update the README with the same.

If you want to use this particular gem instead of the one above, then your best bet is to do the following:

$ cat Gemfile
gem 'galerts', :git => "git://"

$ bundle
$ bundle exec irb
2.2.0 :001 > require 'galerts'
 => true 
2.2.0 :002 > Galerts::AlertsManager
 => Galerts::AlertsManager