amaljoseph / Signature-Verification_System_using_YOLOv5-and-CycleGAN

An end-to-end signature verification system to extract, clean and verify signatures in documents. Signatures are detected using YOLOv5. Noise is cleaned using a CycleGAN approach and verified. Keras / Tensorflow / PyTorch
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error in verify model #16

Open aliaminibagh opened 6 months ago

aliaminibagh commented 6 months ago

after clean signature, when I click on verify button, I got this error. I have copy saved_model.pb to vgg_finetuned_model folder. I add two folders name variables/variables and assets also to vgg_finetuned_model folder(due to error before adding these folders):

DataLossError: Unable to open table file SOURCE\vgg_finetuned_model\variables\variables: Unknown: NewRandomAccessFile failed to Create/Open: SOURCE\vgg_finetuned_model\variables\variables : Access is denied. ; Input/output error