amandablum / learnmindup

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[todo] step 3,4,5 activity "filtering" #16

Closed chuckreynolds closed 7 years ago

chuckreynolds commented 7 years ago

screen shot 2016-11-04 at 17 46 08


html code for that is in archive-activity.php

amandablum commented 7 years ago

reminder, step 3 is always activities associated w that lesson and classroom. step 4 is always interdiscipline and that lesson and step 5 is always life and that lesson.

amandablum commented 7 years ago

we have activities loaded now for 3,4 and 5 in lessons 1-3, so you have something to work with.

norcross commented 7 years ago

has any part of this been implemented?

amandablum commented 7 years ago

as far as I can see, just the css and html. that's it. and if we can't get it done by tonight, I'd say leave it off until after the demo. we don't have that many activities that filtering is essential yet.

norcross commented 7 years ago

all those columns are from the taxonomies, except the authors, correct? also, where are the authors pulled from?

amandablum commented 7 years ago

activities have authors- you added support for it yesterday. they just need to be able to decide between two options: MindUP or Educator Submitted (user mindup or anyone else). if this is too much of a pain today, just comment out that box for now. We only have mindup authored atm.

norcross commented 7 years ago

yeah, I'll leave that out for now, because we have to find a way to filter out those users against everyone else on the site.

norcross commented 7 years ago

When I post the dropdowns, the page 404's. @chuckreynolds any clue why that may be happening?

amandablum commented 7 years ago

I might. I just posted a pull you should commit. the base theme had a wacky issue with a sidebar named 404. I updated that about 20 min ago w the fix. if that's not it, then its on @chuckreynolds. #33

norcross commented 7 years ago

I pulled it, no change. I'll see what I can find.

amandablum commented 7 years ago

had one more idea- doubt itll do much but try. I updated the membership plan to include activities. shouldn't have had to... but it might make a difference? (can pull DB or just go to /wp-admin/post.php?post=118&action=edit on local and add activities as seen below. 2016-11-06_1401

norcross commented 7 years ago

if I load the activities archive without any lookup, it loads fine. it's only when include a POST with some arguments that it 404's

amandablum commented 7 years ago

try deactivating woo on your local and see if it still does it. at least then we could isolate it.

norcross commented 7 years ago

hmm. no dice.

amandablum commented 7 years ago


amandablum commented 7 years ago

@norcross ignore filters for now, lets comment out that section for tomorrow, I guess, until we can figure it out.

chuckreynolds commented 7 years ago

still driving home from east bay north adventures. idk about those "filters" at the top. other than some vdry advanced url args with js maybe? or having an entire js library that does the procedural sorting thing? idk.

amandablum commented 7 years ago

do we want to attempt using a plugin for this?

Chris Coyier did a tutorial on something like this a few years ago, searching for it now.

amandablum commented 7 years ago

chuckreynolds commented 7 years ago

it's not like i had a plan to handle that lol. i knew it was a problem to begin with.

norcross commented 7 years ago

no plugin. I know how to do the query, I've written the code to do it. the errant 404 is a bug somewhere that I haven't found yet. so I've commented out the filtering for now until that gets decided.

amandablum commented 7 years ago

We're back to this. Time to go digging.

norcross commented 7 years ago

@chuckreynolds did the code for this get totally ripped out? I know we removed it for the demo, but I can't find it anywhere

amandablum commented 7 years ago <- is this the code in question? (chuck won't be up for a few hours and I suspect he's traveling today)

norcross commented 7 years ago

that's it. thanks.

norcross commented 7 years ago

this doesn't include the authors dropdown since I don't have any scope on how that's handled.

amandablum commented 7 years ago

k. i dont see it on front end but im looking at mobile. will check when im desktop, about 2 hours

norcross commented 7 years ago

hmm.. not seeing it either. may be a lag with the repo going live. it's currently in the develop branch, if that matters

amandablum commented 7 years ago

Didn't we commented that part of the theme out?

norcross commented 7 years ago

yes. and then I uncommented it. and I just checked, now it's showing.

amandablum commented 7 years ago

Still nothing on mobile. Will check in an hour from home

amandablum commented 7 years ago

huh. not seeing it on desktop either. how weird.

amandablum commented 7 years ago

@norcross ok. im stumped. its not a cache issue for me, totally cleared, new browser. Develop should be where we pull to... that's what always previously worked. And I just do NOT see it on any browser. are we talking about the same place? top of yellow window steps 3,4,5? 2016-11-21_1037

norcross commented 7 years ago

oh. no, we weren't talking about the same place. this setup was on the main /activities/ archive page. is this supposed to be on every step 3 as well?

amandablum commented 7 years ago

Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Well I'm glad I"m not nuts. Earlier today I dropped my car key into a storm drain. its that kind of day. Yes, it goes at the top of every step 3, 4 and 5. And when it filters, it only filters for THAT lesson and THAT step (and if I could, that course, but I'm assuming no).

norcross commented 7 years ago

how many activities are we talking about having on a step? the issue is gonna be that the drop-downs will contain a bunch of options that aren't relevant, because none of the activities in that particular step will have one.

amandablum commented 7 years ago

it should scale with time because we'll accept activities from users (moderated).

Agreed on the filters. this is a MVP, so that was something I was going to negate, and deal with later (like, only step 4's have subject matter [math, science, art,etc] and all others just have age and special needs). If there are none with that criteria, i think its ok to have an error message" No activities currently meet that criteria, but we are always adding more. If you're interested in a particular activity, let us know by selecting the 'help' button at the bottom of the page"

norcross commented 7 years ago

so to confirm: the drop-down will contain all the applicable items to filter by, and a message will display saying "none exist" if there aren't any?