amanjeetsahu / Natural-Language-Processing-Specialization

This repo contains my coursework, assignments, and Slides for Natural Language Processing Specialization by on Coursera
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C1_W3_Assignment - get_country #4

Open MistHunter24 opened 1 year ago

MistHunter24 commented 1 year ago


In C1_W3_Assignment, "get_country", "word_embeddings" is used, which is a global variable. In order for the assignment tests to pass, the local variable "embeddings" needs to be used instead.

AdvaitAmbardekar commented 1 year ago

Hi My course name is Natural Language Processing with Probabilistic Models. I am getting an error saying There was a problem grading your submission although i'm not using any global variable. I am getting this error in week 2,3,4. please help if possible

MistHunter24 commented 1 year ago

Hi. Are any of the exercises graded? I had a similar problem with other assignments. It looked like a connection problem. If I recall correctly, there are some troubleshooting tools on the jupyter page. I retried several times using those.

AdvaitAmbardekar commented 1 year ago

week 1 assignment is graded i tried but did not work for me