amanjit-gill-data / colmar_academy

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Overall Score #8

Open tommygebru opened 5 years ago

tommygebru commented 5 years ago

Overall Score

Criteria 1: HTML Structure
Score Level: 4 - HTML implementation enables proper use of media queries.
HTML structure reflects the grouping and flow of content in the web browser.

Criteria 2: Visual Layout for Both Desktop and Mobile Sizes
Score Level: 4 - Desktop and mobile layouts match the wireframe in all sections. 

Criteria 3: Responsive Design (Media Queries, Responsive Units, etc.)
Score Level: 4 - Media queries kick in at appropriate breakpoints. 
Responsive units are used throughout.

Criteria 4: Visual Design and Accessibility (Color Palette, Typography, Transitions, etc.)
Score Level: 4 - An accessible color palette was chosen. Typographic considerations were made. CSS transitions were used.

Overall Score: 16/16
tommygebru commented 5 years ago


Hey Amanjt, well done on your project Colmar, it's clear you have an excellent understanding of HTML and CSS basics. Spend a little more time reviewing/practicing upon the feedback until it clicks, and I'm confident you'll do fine.

Also keep some HTML/CSS best practices in mind when coding A great way to review content on the Go and also Become familiar with some of your Browser's web tools When in doubt Google it (or MDN it) 🎉

tommygebru commented 5 years ago

Next Steps

You can update your project to include any of the suggestions I addressed today. Also if you choose to you can simply upload a new github repo, updated to reflect any feedback 👍

Ok Amanjit keep up the good work and happy coding!

ghost commented 5 years ago

Thank you so much for the advice you've given me in the various parts of the review. It's really useful, and I'll write them all down and add them to my resources.