amannn / next-intl

🌐 Internationalization (i18n) for Next.js
MIT License
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An unexpected redirection from a request rewrite #1473

Closed jefer94 closed 1 month ago

jefer94 commented 1 month ago


I have a folder called protected to views like not found, maintenance, countdown, the idea is that folder can only be accessed using rewriting, I saw that the browser got that like a redirection, why? because next-intl middleware returns a 307, causing a redirection and rendering a 404 request, I can't change that response status


Mandatory reproduction URL

Reproduction description

  1. Open
  2. go to
  3. go again to go to

Expected behaviour

That it don't redirect to /es/protected/countdown


"use server";

import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";
import { tokenInfo } from "@/actions/auth";
import { showMaintenance } from "./flags";
// import { getLanguage } from "@/lib/i18n";
import { targetDate } from "@/data/release";
import createMiddleware from "next-intl/middleware";
import { routing } from "./i18n/routing";
import { getLanguage } from "@/lib/i18n";

export const config = {
  matcher: [
// http://localhost:3000/learn/english/pronunciations
// export default createMiddleware(routing);
// export const middleware = createMiddleware(routing);

function isLocale(locale: string) {
  if (locale.length !== 2 && locale.length !== 5) {
    return false;
  if (locale.length === 5 && locale[2] !== "-") {
    return false;

  return true;

export async function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
  const [, locale] = request.nextUrl.pathname.split("/");

  if (!isLocale(locale)) {
    let nextLocale = request.cookies.get("NEXT_LOCALE")?.value;
    if (!nextLocale && request.headers.has("Accept-Language")) {
      const acceptLanguage = request.headers.get("Accept-Language") as string;
      nextLocale = getLanguage(acceptLanguage, routing.locales);
      // request.cookies.set("NEXT_LOCALE", nextLocale);

      if (nextLocale != routing.defaultLocale) {
        return NextResponse.redirect(
          new URL(`/${nextLocale}${request.nextUrl.pathname}`, request.url),
    if (!nextLocale) {
      nextLocale = routing.defaultLocale;
      // request.cookies.set("NEXT_LOCALE", nextLocale);
    request.nextUrl.pathname = `/${nextLocale}${request.nextUrl.pathname}`;
    request.headers.set("x-locale", nextLocale);
  } else {
    request.headers.set("x-locale", locale);

  const showAdmin = false;

  const today = new Date();
  if (request.nextUrl.pathname.includes("/protected/") && false) {
    request.nextUrl.pathname = `/${locale}/protected/404`;
  } else if (today.getTime() < targetDate.getTime()) {
    request.nextUrl.pathname = `/${locale}/protected/countdown`;
  } else if (await showMaintenance()) {
    request.nextUrl.pathname = `/${locale}/protected/maintenance`;
  } else if (request.nextUrl.pathname.startsWith(`/${locale}/learn`)) {
    const user = await tokenInfo();
    if (!user) {
      return NextResponse.redirect(new URL(`/${locale}/login`, request.url));

    request.headers.set("x-user", user.username);
  } else if (
    request.nextUrl.pathname.startsWith(`/${locale}/admin`) &&
  ) {
    request.nextUrl.pathname = `/${locale}/protected/404`;

  request.nextUrl.pathname = request.nextUrl.pathname.replace("//", "/");

  const nonce = Buffer.from(crypto.randomUUID()).toString("base64");
  const cspHeader = `
      default-src 'self';
      script-src 'self' 'nonce-${nonce}' 'strict-dynamic';
      style-src 'self';
      img-src 'self' blob: data:;
      font-src 'self';
      object-src 'none';
      base-uri 'self';
      form-action 'self';
      frame-ancestors 'none';

  const contentSecurityPolicyHeaderValue = cspHeader
    .replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ")

  request.headers.set("x-nonce", nonce);

  request.headers.set("x-url", request.nextUrl.pathname);

  const handleI18nRouting = createMiddleware(routing);
  const response = handleI18nRouting(request);

  if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {

  return response;


import { getRequestConfig } from "next-intl/server";
import { routing } from "./routing";

type Locale = (typeof routing)["locales"][number];

export default getRequestConfig(async ({ requestLocale }) => {
  // Validate that the incoming `locale` parameter is valid
  let locale = await requestLocale;

  // Ensure that a valid locale is used
  if (!locale || !routing.locales.includes(locale as Locale)) {
    locale = routing.defaultLocale;

  return {
    messages: (await import(`../../messages/${locale}.json`)).default,


import { defineRouting } from "next-intl/routing";
import { createNavigation } from "next-intl/navigation";

export const routingSettings = {
  // A list of all locales that are supported
  locales: ["en", "es"],

  // Used when no locale matches
  defaultLocale: "en",
  localePrefix: {
    mode: "as-needed",
    prefixes: {
      es: "/es",

export const routing = defineRouting({
  // A list of all locales that are supported
  locales: ["en", "es"],

  // Used when no locale matches
  defaultLocale: "en",
  // localePrefix: "never",
  localePrefix: {
    mode: "as-needed",
    prefixes: {
      es: "/es",

// Lightweight wrappers around Next.js' navigation APIs
// that will consider the routing configuration
export const { Link, redirect, permanentRedirect, usePathname, useRouter } =


import type { Metadata } from "next";
import localFont from "next/font/local";
import { ThemeProvider } from "@/components/theme-provider";
import { Toaster } from "@/components/ui/toaster";
import { headers } from "next/headers";

import "../globals.css";
import { NextIntlClientProvider } from "next-intl";
import { getMessages, setRequestLocale } from "next-intl/server";
import { NavbarComponent } from "@/components/navbar";
import { routing } from "@/i18n/routing";
import { notFound } from "next/navigation";
import { targetDate } from "@/data/release";

const geistSans = localFont({
  src: "../fonts/GeistVF.woff",
  variable: "--font-geist-sans",
  weight: "100 900",
const geistMono = localFont({
  src: "../fonts/GeistMonoVF.woff",
  variable: "--font-geist-mono",
  weight: "100 900",

export const metadata: Metadata = {
  title: "Create Next App",
  description: "Generated by create next app",

type LocaleProps = {
  children: React.ReactNode;

export async function LocaleLayout({ children }: LocaleProps) {
  const messages = await getMessages();

  return (
      <NextIntlClientProvider messages={messages}>

type RouterProps = {
  children: React.ReactNode;
  nonce: string | null;

function Theme({ children, nonce }: RouterProps) {
  "use client";

  return (
      nonce={nonce ?? undefined}

      <Toaster />

type Locale = (typeof routing)["locales"][number];

export default async function RootLayout({
  params: { locale },
}: Readonly<{
  children: React.ReactNode;
  params: { locale: string };
}>) {
  if (!routing.locales.includes(locale as Locale)) {


  const headersStore = headers();
  const nonce = headersStore.get("x-nonce");

  const today = new Date();

  if (today.getTime() < targetDate.getTime()) {
    return (
      <html lang={locale}>
          className={`${geistSans.variable} ${geistMono.variable} antialiased`}
            <Theme nonce={nonce}>
              <div className="overflow-y min-h-screen">

  return (
    <html lang={locale}>
        className={`${geistSans.variable} ${geistMono.variable} antialiased`}
          <Theme nonce={nonce}>
            <div className="overflow-y min-h-screen">
              <NavbarComponent />
              <div className="mt-20">{children}</div>
amannn commented 1 month ago

It seems like your issue is caused by your custom middleware code that writes to pathname before calling the middleware from next-intl.

I'll move this to a discussion since it's a usage question and not a bug report.