amanwalia123 / KeyFramesExtraction

This repository contains script to divide a video into key frames.
MIT License
158 stars 34 forks source link

Something about the various #2

Closed zonegoalshall closed 5 years ago

zonegoalshall commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your help! I've tried your code using the command(I set the window size to 20) mentioned in your README, but frames saved by the script seems like the "every frame" not the key frames. Where could I find the extracted keyframes? Best wishes:)

amanwalia123 commented 5 years ago

Can you share the plot generated?

zonegoalshall commented 5 years ago

plot Is this you want?

amanwalia123 commented 5 years ago

Yeah it make sense why its giving you so many frames.Try using a bigger window size (probably x10) and see if it reduces frames. window length. One other solution i can think of is using order parameter in argrelextrema function used in line 171 of the script. Refer to the documentation here: Using this you can control how many points to be used to compute local maxima.

zonegoalshall commented 5 years ago

Thanks bro! A bigger window size works!