amaolang / DAIRY

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rap歌词 #22

Open amaolang opened 3 years ago

amaolang commented 3 years ago


taken away 被帶走 by the spinning light and breeze 被旋轉的光線和夏日的微風 inhaling the hope you devastated 大口吸入 以及被你摧毀的希望 listen, something is burning 你聽 是否有東西正在燃燒 rush, rush, rush, 向前跑啊跑啊跑 an Odyssey 一趟征程 a journey to your dream 一次去你夢裡的旅行 the unknown, the nowhere, 一個無名之地 一個不毛之地 there people walking by 那裡人們來來去去 wasted, twisted and never sleep tight 既不鬥志昂揚 也睡不安穩

amaolang commented 3 years ago

taken away by the spinning light and breeze inhaling the hope that you devastated listen, something is burning 你聽 是否有東西正在燃燒 rush, rush, rush, 向前跑啊跑啊跑 an Odyssey 一趟征程 a journey to your dream 一次去你夢裡的旅行 the unknown, the nowhere, 一個無名之地 一個不毛之地 there people walking by 那裡人們來來去去 wasted, twisted and never sleep tight 既不鬥志昂揚 也睡不安穩