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fsm_state changes mid cycle #439

Closed BracketMaster closed 3 years ago

BracketMaster commented 4 years ago

This "minimal" example is kind of long, but you said you[Whitequark] think you know what buy we're hitting. I'll keep this example as is for now and try to trim it later.

"""Simple example of a FSM-based ALU

This demonstrates a design that follows the valid/ready protocol of the
ALU, but with a FSM implementation, instead of a pipeline.  It is also
intended to comply with both the CompALU API and the nmutil Pipeline API
(Liskov Substitution Principle)

The basic rules are:

1) p.ready_o is asserted on the initial ("Idle") state, otherwise it keeps low.
2) n.valid_o is asserted on the final ("Done") state, otherwise it keeps low.
3) The FSM stays in the Idle state while p.valid_i is low, otherwise
   it accepts the input data and moves on.
4) The FSM stays in the Done state while n.ready_i is low, otherwise
   it releases the output data and goes back to the Idle state.


from nmigen import Elaboratable, Signal, Module, Cat
cxxsim = True
if cxxsim:
    from nmigen.sim.cxxsim import Simulator, Settle
    from nmigen.back.pysim import Simulator, Settle
from nmigen.cli import rtlil
from math import log2

class Dummy:

class Shifter(Elaboratable):
    """Simple sequential shifter

    Prev port data:
    *  value to be shifted
    * p.data_i.shift: shift amount
    *                 When zero, no shift occurs.
    *                 On POWER, range is 0 to 63 for 32-bit,
    *                 and 0 to 127 for 64-bit.
    *                 Other values wrap around.

    Next port data:
    * shifted value
    class PrevData:
        def __init__(self, width):
   = Signal(width, name="p_data_i")
            self.shift = Signal(width, name="p_shift_i")

        def _get_data(self):
            return [, self.shift]

    class NextData:
        def __init__(self, width):
   = Signal(width, name="n_data_o")

        def _get_data(self):
            return []

    def __init__(self, width):
        self.width = width
        self.p = Dummy()
        self.n = Dummy()
        self.p.valid_i = Signal(name="p_valid_i")
        self.p.ready_o = Signal(name="p_ready_o")
        self.n.ready_i = Signal(name="n_ready_i")
        self.n.valid_o = Signal(name="n_valid_o")

        self.p.data_i = Shifter.PrevData(width)
        self.n.data_o = Shifter.NextData(width)

    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()

        # Note:
        # It is good practice to design a sequential circuit as
        # a data path and a control path.

        # Data path
        # ---------
        # The idea is to have a register that can be
        # loaded or shifted (left and right).

        # the control signals
        load = Signal()
        shift = Signal()
        # the data flow
        shift_in = Signal(self.width)
        shift_left_by_1 = Signal(self.width)
        next_shift = Signal(self.width)
        # the register
        shift_reg = Signal(self.width, reset_less=True)
        # build the data flow
        m.d.comb += [
            # connect input and output
            # generate shifted views of the register
            shift_left_by_1.eq(Cat(0, shift_reg[:-1])),
        # choose the next value of the register according to the
        # control signals
        # default is no change
        m.d.comb += next_shift.eq(shift_reg)
        with m.If(load):
            m.d.comb += next_shift.eq(shift_in)
        with m.Elif(shift):
            m.d.comb += next_shift.eq(shift_left_by_1)

        # register the next value
        m.d.sync += shift_reg.eq(next_shift)

        # Control path
        # ------------
        # The idea is to have a SHIFT state where the shift register
        # is shifted every cycle, while a counter decrements.
        # This counter is loaded with shift amount in the initial state.
        # The SHIFT state is left when the counter goes to zero.

        # Shift counter
        shift_width = int(log2(self.width)) + 1
        next_count = Signal(shift_width)
        count = Signal(shift_width, reset_less=True)
        m.d.sync += count.eq(next_count)

        #m.d.comb += self.p.ready_o.eq(1)

        with m.FSM():
            with m.State("IDLE"):
                m.d.comb += [
                    # keep p.ready_o active on IDLE
                    # keep loading the shift register and shift count
                with m.If(self.p.valid_i):
                    # Leave IDLE when data arrives
                    with m.If(next_count == 0):
                        # short-circuit for zero shift
               = "DONE"
                    with m.Else():
               = "SHIFT"
            with m.State("SHIFT"):
                m.d.comb += [
                    # keep shifting, while counter is not zero
                    # decrement the shift counter
                    next_count.eq(count - 1),
                with m.If(next_count == 0):
                    # exit when shift counter goes to zero
           = "DONE"
            with m.State("DONE"):
                # keep n.valid_o active while the data is not accepted
                m.d.comb += self.n.valid_o.eq(1)
                with m.If(self.n.ready_i):
                    # go back to IDLE when the data is accepted
           = "IDLE"

        return m

    def __iter__(self):
        yield self.p.data_i.shift
        yield self.p.valid_i
        yield self.p.ready_o
        yield self.n.ready_i
        yield self.n.valid_o

    def ports(self):
        return list(self)

def test_shifter():
    m = Module()
    m.submodules.shf = dut = Shifter(8)
    print("Shifter port names:")
    for port in dut:
    # generate RTLIL
    # try "proc; show" in yosys to check the data path
    il = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
    with open("", "w") as f:
    sim = Simulator(m)

    def send(data, shift):
        # present input data and assert valid_i
        yield dut.p.data_i.shift.eq(shift)
        yield dut.p.valid_i.eq(1)
        print ("set up signals")
        # wait for p.ready_o to be asserted
        ready_o = yield dut.p.ready_o
        print ("ready_o", ready_o)
        while not (yield dut.p.ready_o):
            ready_o = yield dut.p.ready_o
            print ("ready_o", ready_o)
        print ("done ready check")
        # clear input data and negate p.valid_i
        yield dut.p.valid_i.eq(0)
        yield dut.p.data_i.shift.eq(0)
        print ("done send")

    def receive(expected):
        # signal readiness to receive data
        yield dut.n.ready_i.eq(1)
        # wait for n.valid_o to be asserted
        valid_o = yield dut.n.valid_o
        print ("        valid_o", valid_o)
        while not (yield dut.n.valid_o):
            valid_o = yield dut.n.valid_o
            print ("        valid_o", valid_o)

        # read result
        result = yield

        # "FIX" the problem with this line:
        #yield    # <---- remove this - pysim "works" but cxxsim does not

        # negate n.ready_i
        yield dut.n.ready_i.eq(0)
        # check result
        assert result == expected
        print ("        done receive")

    def producer():
        print ("start of producer")
        yield from send(3, 4)
        print ("end of producer")

    def consumer():
        # the consumer is not in step with the producer, but the
        # order of the results are preserved
        # 3 << 4 = 48
        print ("        start of receiver")
        yield from receive(48)
        print ("        end of receiver")

    sim_writer = sim.write_vcd(
    with sim_writer:

if __name__ == "__main__":
cestrauss commented 4 years ago

Greetings. I'm Cesar, from libre-SOC.

I'd like to point to the previous discussion on, where the issue first arose.

I managed to trim the test case by removing the shift state. Since only two states remain, the next logical step is to replace the FSM with a one-bit register.

"""Simple Handshake Test

1) p_ready_o is asserted on the initial ("Idle") state, otherwise it keeps low.
2) n_valid_o is asserted on the final ("Done") state, otherwise it keeps low.
3) The FSM stays in the Idle state while p_valid_i is low, otherwise
   it goes to Done.
4) The FSM stays in the Done state while n_ready_i is low, otherwise
   it goes back to Idle.

from nmigen import Elaboratable, Signal, Module

cxxsim = True
if cxxsim:
    from nmigen.sim.cxxsim import Simulator, Settle
    from nmigen.sim.pysim import Simulator, Settle

class Handshake(Elaboratable):

    def __init__(self):
        self.p_valid_i = Signal()
        self.p_ready_o = Signal()
        self.n_ready_i = Signal()
        self.n_valid_o = Signal()

    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()

        with m.FSM():
            with m.State("IDLE"):
                m.d.comb += self.p_ready_o.eq(1)
                with m.If(self.p_valid_i):
           = "DONE"
            with m.State("DONE"):
                m.d.comb += self.n_valid_o.eq(1)
                with m.If(self.n_ready_i):
           = "IDLE"

        return m

    def __iter__(self):
        yield self.p_valid_i
        yield self.p_ready_o
        yield self.n_ready_i
        yield self.n_valid_o

    def ports(self):
        return list(self)

def test_handshake():
    m = Module()
    m.submodules.hsk = dut = Handshake()
    sim = Simulator(m)

    def send():
        # assert p_valid_i
        yield dut.p_valid_i.eq(1)
        print("set up signals")
        # wait for p_ready_o to be asserted
        ready_o = yield dut.p_ready_o
        print("ready_o", ready_o)
        while not (yield dut.p_ready_o):
            ready_o = yield dut.p_ready_o
            print("ready_o", ready_o)
        print("done ready check")
        # negate p_valid_i
        yield dut.p_valid_i.eq(0)
        print("done send")

    def receive():
        # signal readiness to receive data
        yield dut.n_ready_i.eq(1)
        # wait for n_valid_o to be asserted
        valid_o = yield dut.n_valid_o
        print("        valid_o", valid_o)
        while not (yield dut.n_valid_o):
            valid_o = yield dut.n_valid_o
            print("        valid_o", valid_o)
        # negate n_ready_i
        yield dut.n_ready_i.eq(0)
        print("        done receive")

    def producer():
        print("start of producer")
        yield from send()
        print("end of producer")

    def consumer():
        # the consumer is not in step with the producer, but the
        # order of the results are preserved
        # 3 << 4 = 48
        print("        start of receiver")
        yield from receive()
        print("        end of receiver")

    sim_writer = sim.write_vcd("handshake.vcd")
    with sim_writer:

if __name__ == "__main__":
BracketMaster commented 4 years ago

Thanks Cesar. BracketMaster is Yehowshua BTW.

whitequark commented 4 years ago

This looks much better, thank you! Though it seems like it could be minimized a bit further without much effort?

cestrauss commented 4 years ago

On, Luke wrote:

                 m.d.comb += self.n.valid_o.eq(1)
                 with m.If(self.n.ready_i):
                    # go back to IDLE when the data is accepted
           = "IDLE"

this should set the FSM to "IDLE" on the next cycle, however the fact that in the unit test ready_i is dropped immediately, combined with the fact that valid_o is set combinatorially, what happens instead is:

  • valid_o is set to 1 (combinatorially)
  • unit test (combinatorially) notices that (in the while yield loop)
  • unit test (combinatorially) sets ready_i to 0
  • DUT - combinatorially - notices that ready_i has been set to 0

To which, I replied:

Unit test work sequentially, not combinatorially, unless Settle() is used. This unit test does not use Settle().

On the other hand, the behavior of cxxsim is consistent with it doing an implicit Settle() after a yield.

The following test demonstrates it:

from nmigen import Elaboratable, Signal, Module
from nmigen.sim.cxxsim import Simulator as CxxSimulator
from nmigen.sim.pysim import Simulator as PySimulator

class SamplePoint(Elaboratable):
    """Just a simple one-bit register"""

    def __init__(self):
        self.data_i = Signal()
        self.data_o = Signal()

    def elaborate(self, _):
        m = Module()
        m.d.sync += self.data_o.eq(self.data_i)
        return m

    def ports(self):
        return [self.data_i, self.data_o]

def test_sample_point(sim_type):
    print("Testing", sim_type)

    if sim_type == "cxxsim":
        simulator = CxxSimulator
        simulator = PySimulator

    m = Module()
    m.submodules.sp = dut = SamplePoint()
    sim = simulator(m)

    def process():
        # present data to register input, to be latched at the next clock
        # rising edge
        yield dut.data_i.eq(1)
        # at this point, just after the clock rising edge, the register
        # should still hold its previous (reset) value
        assert (yield dut.data_o) == 0

    sim_writer = sim.write_vcd(f"{sim_type}.vcd")
    with sim_writer:


if __name__ == "__main__":
whitequark commented 4 years ago

On the other hand, the behavior of cxxsim is consistent with it doing an implicit Settle() after a yield.

This narrows it down enough. Thanks for your effort, I'll fix this soon.

whitequark commented 4 years ago

This issue is now fixed in the cxxsim branch.

cestrauss commented 4 years ago


After a pull of the cxxsim branch (commit 1f8ba749fbbd1b7a), it looks like the register is not being updated, at all, even after a Settle() or a yield.

I modified the previous test case, to check for this.

from nmigen import Elaboratable, Signal, Module
from nmigen.sim.cxxsim import Simulator as CxxSimulator
from nmigen.sim.cxxsim import Settle as CxxSettle
from nmigen.sim.pysim import Simulator as PySimulator
from nmigen.sim.pysim import Settle as PySettle

class SamplePoint(Elaboratable):
    """Just a simple one-bit register"""

    def __init__(self):
        self.data_i = Signal()
        self.data_o = Signal()

    def elaborate(self, _):
        m = Module()
        m.d.sync += self.data_o.eq(self.data_i)
        return m

    def ports(self):
        return [self.data_i, self.data_o]

def test_sample_point(sim_type):
    print("Testing", sim_type)

    if sim_type == "cxxsim":
        simulator = CxxSimulator
        settle = CxxSettle
        simulator = PySimulator
        settle = PySettle

    m = Module()
    m.submodules.sp = dut = SamplePoint()
    sim = simulator(m)

    def process():
        # present data to register input, to be latched at the next clock
        # rising edge
        yield dut.data_i.eq(1)
        # at this point, just after the clock rising edge, the register
        # should still hold its previous (reset) value
        assert (yield dut.data_o) == 0
        print("Check reset value: PASS")
        yield settle()
        # now we should see it
        assert (yield dut.data_o) == 1
        print("Check latched value: PASS")

    sim_writer = sim.write_vcd(f"{sim_type}.vcd")
    with sim_writer:

if __name__ == "__main__":
cestrauss commented 4 years ago

Same result on the just rebased branch (060ad2584edccad62e59ddd209f593a4dfc4670a).

whitequark commented 4 years ago

Commit 7ca14777d8233d33ff9a545f792aa710fa35ddb8 fixes the problem where registers change mid-cycle. However, the second problem (as described in also arises here, so the code is just as broken.

whitequark commented 4 years ago

I've pushed a low-performance workaround to the cxxsim branch. Please take another look.

cestrauss commented 4 years ago

Sorry, with the cxxsim branch checked out a 0caa57e, I still see the earlier issue.

It seems to me, that the behavior of cxxsim is consistent with it doing an implicit Settle() after the clock rises, but before the Python process is run.

I managed to further reduce the test case. See below:

from nmigen import Signal, Module
from nmigen.sim.cxxsim import Simulator

m = Module()
o = Signal()

m.d.sync += o.eq(1)

def process():
    assert (yield o) == 0

sim = Simulator(m)
sim_writer = sim.write_vcd("bug-439.vcd")
with sim_writer:
whitequark commented 4 years ago

It seems to me, that the behavior of cxxsim is consistent with it doing an implicit Settle() after the clock rises, but before the Python process is run.

Thanks for the investigation! The reduced testcase is very helpful.

Regarding the implicit Settle(): I believe this is accurate with respect to the observable behavior, but, unfortunately, the behavior arises implicitly from faulty scheduling. I'll have to rethink my approach of integrating CXXRTL and the Python testbenches—I've designed them to closely match each other, but there are still opportunities for race conditions at the boundary, and you're hitting one of them.

whitequark commented 4 years ago

@cestrauss Please take another look. I completely reworked the integration layer and I believe cxxsim should no longer exhibit this class of issue.

whitequark commented 4 years ago

You'll need the very latest Yosys to use the current cxxsim branch btw.

cestrauss commented 4 years ago

I installed Yosys master (commit c66d1dfad). All test cases above now succeed, without assertions (after updating them to the latest Simulator API). In the first, non-reduced test case, I do see one of the output signals (n_valid_o) changing mid-cycle. The reduced ones do not show this. Let me try to reduce it.

cestrauss commented 4 years ago

Here you go. Uncommenting any of the three commented-out lines makes the problem go away.

from nmigen import Signal, Module
from nmigen.sim import Simulator, Tick

m = Module()
r = Signal()
o = Signal()

m.d.sync += r.eq(1)
m.d.comb += o.eq(r & 1)
# m.d.comb += o.eq(r)

def process():
#    (yield r)
    yield Tick()
#    (yield r)
    yield Tick()

sim = Simulator(m, engine="cxxsim")
sim_writer = sim.write_vcd("bug-439.vcd")
with sim_writer:

It generates the VCD below. Notice at #10000, how "o" rises as "clk" falls.

$timescale 100 ps $end
$var wire 1 ! clk $end
$var wire 1 " o $end
$var reg 1 # r $end
$var wire 1 $ r$next $end
$var wire 1 % rst $end
$enddefinitions $end
whitequark commented 4 years ago

Here you go.

Thanks for reducing this. This is actually a very subtle issue in CXXRTL itself more so than the cxxsim integration code. This can be shown by eliminating everything but the clock process:

from nmigen import Signal, Module
from nmigen.sim import Simulator, Tick

m = Module()
r = Signal()
o = Signal()

m.d.sync += r.eq(1)
m.d.comb += o.eq(r & 1)

sim = Simulator(m, engine="cxxsim")
sim_writer = sim.write_vcd("bug-439.vcd")
with sim_writer:
    sim.run_until(2e-6, run_passive=True)

I'll need to investigate how to fix this. Most likely, it will be necessary to change static scheduling of combinatorial nodes connected to registers.

whitequark commented 4 years ago

As a temporary workaround, try applying this patch:

diff --git a/nmigen/sim/ b/nmigen/sim/
index 753c72d..1ad91f1 100644
--- a/nmigen/sim/
+++ b/nmigen/sim/
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ class _CxxRTLProcess(BaseProcess):

     def run(self):
+        self.runnable = True

 class _CxxSimulation(BaseSimulation):

I think it won't cover every case, but it might get you further with your overall design.

cestrauss commented 4 years ago

It works!

  1. There are no traces changing on the falling clock edge, on any of the test cases.
  2. No regressions either on their asserts.
whitequark commented 4 years ago

Right. I did check that on my end. What I'm more interested is you experimenting with your overall design moreso than the extracted test cases.

cestrauss commented 4 years ago

I ran an integration test, which should give good coverage of the whole project. On pysim, it runs for about 8 minutes. On cxxsim, I interrupted it after letting it run for an hour, at 100% CPU.

It did output the following:

/home/cstrauss/src/nmigen/nmigen/sim/ YosysWarning: Design contains feedback wires, which require delta cycles during evaluation.
  cxx_source, name_map = cxxrtl.convert_fragment(fragment)

Then, it spent some time compiling a 11MB file, generating a 15MB

After one hour, with no further output, I interrupted it, giving the following stack trace:

^CTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/cstrauss/src/soc/src/soc/simple/test/", line 318, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/unittest/", line 176, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/unittest/", line 84, in __call__
    return*args, **kwds)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/unittest/", line 122, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/unittest/", line 663, in __call__
    return*args, **kwds)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/unittest/", line 615, in run
  File "/home/cstrauss/src/soc/src/soc/simple/test/", line 299, in run_all
  File "/home/cstrauss/src/nmigen/nmigen/sim/", line 168, in run
    while self.advance():
  File "/home/cstrauss/src/nmigen/nmigen/sim/", line 159, in advance
    return self._engine.advance()
  File "/home/cstrauss/src/nmigen/nmigen/sim/", line 228, in advance
  File "/home/cstrauss/src/nmigen/nmigen/sim/", line 218, in _step
  File "/home/cstrauss/src/nmigen/nmigen/sim/", line 73, in run

real    75m38.540s
user    74m15.167s
sys 0m23.699s

I guess there is more reducing for me to do.

cestrauss commented 4 years ago


I managed to reduce the cxxsim hang, above, to the following:

from nmigen import Signal, Module
from nmigen.sim import Simulator

m = Module()
s = Signal(33)

def process():
    yield s.eq(1)
    print("end of process")

sim = Simulator(m, engine="cxxsim")

I guess we tended to use 32 bits or less in our own experiments, which resulted a lack of coverage for wider signals. This was only caught in higher-level tests, which used the full 64 bits of our processor design.

cestrauss commented 4 years ago

Just to clarify: 1) Any non-zero update seems to trigger the issue, provided that the signal being updated has a width greater than 32 bits. 2) Using longer signal sizes in the code above (128, 256, 512 bit) also trigger the issue. 3) If it helps, we would guess "ctypes" being related to the root of the issue, perhaps.

whitequark commented 4 years ago

@cestrauss I believe this is actually a logic bug, not a ctypes bug. Should be easy to fix.

whitequark commented 4 years ago

Please try again.

cestrauss commented 4 years ago

The hanging is gone, thanks. But, now that the test no longer hangs, I can see that it actually fails. It doesn't seem to be a regression, the above tests all still work. I will resume investigating.

cestrauss commented 4 years ago

Here you go:

from nmigen import Signal, Module
from nmigen.sim import Simulator

m = Module()
s = Signal(reset=1)

def process():
    assert((yield s) == 1)

sim = Simulator(m, engine="cxxsim")

On pysim, signal "s" is high, even when not driven. On cxxsim, it keeps low.

whitequark commented 4 years ago

Please try again.

cestrauss commented 4 years ago

Not quite there yet:

from nmigen import Signal, Module
from nmigen.sim import Simulator

m = Module()
s = Signal(reset=1)
t = Signal()
m.d.comb += t.eq(s)

def process():
    assert((yield s) == 1)

sim = Simulator(m, engine="cxxsim")
whitequark commented 4 years ago

Not quite there yet:

Interesting--that's a completely unrelated bug. I'll have to look into it as the cause is clear but the fix is not obvious.

whitequark commented 3 years ago

@cestrauss Please evaluate the following temporary solution:

diff --git a/nmigen/back/ b/nmigen/back/
index 916605e..de9e5e2 100644
--- a/nmigen/back/
+++ b/nmigen/back/
@@ -333,6 +333,10 @@ class _ValueCompilerState:
             for value in signal._enum_class:
                 attrs["enum_value_{:0{}b}".format(value.value, signal.width)] =

+        # XXX
+        if signal not in self.driven:
+            attrs["init"] = signal.reset
         wire_curr = self.rtlil.wire(width=signal.width, name=wire_name,
                                     port_id=port_id, port_kind=port_kind,
                                     attrs=attrs, src=src(signal.src_loc))

It cannot be applied as-is, but it should unblock you to do further verification.

cestrauss commented 3 years ago

Indeed. Appreciated. I will resume testing, and let you know if I find anything else. Also, thanks for fixing the hierarchy in VCD files, much appreciated.

cestrauss commented 3 years ago

With the above patch, I'm getting the following error on some designs: nmigen._toolchain.yosys.YosysError: ERROR: Conflicting init values for signal \alu.pipe_middle_0.empty (\alu.pipe_middle_0.empty = 1'1 != 1'0). It does not occur without the patch. It is a bit rare. Many other designs do not produce this error, even with the patch. The message comes from write_cxxrtl. I attach the RTLIL files, with and without the patch: To reproduce, open in yosys and call write_cxxrtl. Would it help if I try to reduce it?

By the way, the patch interferes with bounded model check, which is a minor inconvenience. I get: Checking assumptions in step 0.. Assumptions are unsatisfiable!

whitequark commented 3 years ago

Would it help if I try to reduce it?

Not necessary; I approximately know the cause. I'll look into it.

whitequark commented 3 years ago

@cestrauss Minimized with this patch and command bugpoint -command "write_cxxrtl /dev/null" -grep "1'1 != 1'0" to:

module \pipe_middle_0
  wire \empty
  attribute \init 0
  wire \p.p_ready_o
  wire \p_ready_o
  process $group_31
    assign \p_ready_o \empty
  process $group_37
    sync init
      update \empty 1'1
  connect \p.p_ready_o \p_ready_o
whitequark commented 3 years ago

@cestrauss ~Try this~ Nevermind, I think this requires a new approach...

whitequark commented 3 years ago

@cestrauss Okay, should be fixed properly now.

cestrauss commented 3 years ago

Confirmed fixed, thanks. This bugpoint Yosys command seems very useful, good to know.

whitequark commented 3 years ago

Confirmed fixed, thanks.

Closing this issue now; it's been three unrelated bugs already, so any new issues that arise should probably be reported on their own.

That said, does everything work for you now, or have you not tested the full design yet?

This bugpoint Yosys command seems very useful, good to know.

Yup, I wrote it exactly for cases like this.

cestrauss commented 3 years ago

Sure. I am indeed still seeing some difference in behavior with respect to pysim on some tests, which I'll proceed to investigate.