amarbajric / EBUSA-AIM17

BPMaaS. Platform for buying, selling and reviewing processes
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Processstore - Search component #46 #91

Closed AlexanderLichtenegger closed 6 years ago

AlexanderLichtenegger commented 6 years ago

resolves #46


amarbajric commented 6 years ago

In general your search component looks very promising to me. However, I have to mention some minor aspects:

Other than that, I like the layout and the currently implemented functionality. Like mentioned before, it looks very promising.

ToDo: Please answer my questions mentioned above. After that, we will determine if we need some adaptations to the PR or if the PR can be accepted (initially of course) as long as the services in the backend are not implemented

tortmann commented 6 years ago

I definitely agree with @amarbajric that it looks promising.

Please explain your logic behind the current implementation as was also stated by @amarbajric comment.

equally sized cards

definitely a good idea even with a potential image (which would then have to be resized)

average rating

should be calculated in the backend and provided via an endpoint or added to an existing one that provides data to the search component

window object

please shortly explain why you used this approach and change it to use the respective service of the project's microservice architecture. Thank you

AlexanderLichtenegger commented 6 years ago

Answers to the questions: • Cards: The cards are shown in the order as they come from the backend. • Filters: Three filters were added. “Price Below, Rating Above and Created By”. • Width/Height: The width is rendered dynamically. The height of the cards next to each other always have the equal size. • Images: The images were removed. • Sorting: Is not implemented yet. “Alphabetically, Rating High/Low and Price High/Low” could be used for the sorting. • Average Rating: Should come from the endpoint.

ToDos done: • Cards next to each other always have equal size • Filters added: "Price Below", "Rating Above", "Created By" • Images removed • Removed ProcessStoreService and used GatewayProvider instead

ToDos: • Average Rating received from Endpoint. • Input Validation for filters (filterInput is a string --> http://localhost:10000/api/store/processes?filterType=ratingAboveOrEquals&filterInput=abcde --> is possible) • Example Requests: o http://localhost:10000/api/store/processes?filterType=priceBelowOrEquals&filterInput=12 o http://localhost:10000/api/store/processes?filterType=ratingAboveOrEquals&filterInput=3.5 o http://localhost:10000/api/store/processes?filterType=createdBy&filterInput=tester2

AlexanderLichtenegger commented 6 years ago

processstore_testdata.sql.txt SQL-Dummy-File --> remove .txt from file

amarbajric commented 6 years ago



For now it is APPROVED BUT it needs some more work.