amarullz / AnimeTV

Watch Anime in Your AndroidTV
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Anime isn't syncing between my computer and my TV #124

Closed M1ke82 closed 3 weeks ago

M1ke82 commented 3 weeks ago

I'm not sure if it's something on my end but only anime I watch on my computer shows in my computer history and anime I watch on my TV shows on my TV history

amarullz commented 3 weeks ago

sure. because it only save anything offline, Animetv don't collect and save any of your activity, and don't have any online service to do something like that. only saved it locally. everything is between your device and source server (no middle man, no AnimeTV server, no analytic, telemetry etc).

If you want to track it in multiple device, just login with AniList or MAL.

M1ke82 commented 3 weeks ago

that makes sense thanks for the quick responce