amate / Proxydomo

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Proxydomo limit download speed down to ~500kb/s #14

Closed nhantrn closed 9 years ago

nhantrn commented 9 years ago

Download speed going through Proxydomo v1.54 is is throttled down to ~500kb/s. I tested on all browser with the same result. This is a major problem, need fix.

amate commented 9 years ago

Did not reproduce in my PC. Proxydomo does not limit the download speed. I have the download speed of 2.0MB/s in my environment. dlspeed

Such a thing happens also in bypass?

nhantrn commented 9 years ago

Download speed with Proxydomo. Image 1

With Proxydmo bypassed. Image 3

Without Proxydomo. Image 2

I'm using Windows 7 x32.

nhantrn commented 9 years ago

Ok this is weird, I found that downloads on HTTP are throttled. However, downloads on HTTPS are not throttled.

amate commented 9 years ago

I made a debug version. please try it.

nhantrn commented 9 years ago

Ok, I tried it. Download still throttled. Do you need the log file?

amate commented 9 years ago

I made a debug version2. please try it. I don't need the log file for now.

mas91180 commented 9 years ago

my two coins - 1.55_debug2 gives me around 2.4 MB/s in bypass mode, while with good old Proxomitron in filter mode I have 5.6 MB/s. Let me know if you need any additional info on this matter. Thanks for you work.

amate commented 9 years ago

I made a release version3. please try it. This is because I don't have built Proxydomo in the optimization

mas91180 commented 9 years ago

no changes for me with version3 - the same 2+ times speed difference.

nhantrn commented 9 years ago

For me, debug2 peak @~700KB/s. Debug3 back down to ~500KB/s.

amate commented 9 years ago

I made a release version4. please try it. Can not be anymore if no good at this.

nhantrn commented 9 years ago

Same, still low speed.

Do you know what cause the slow down? Why is it only affecting downloads from HTTP and not HTTPS?

amate commented 9 years ago

I made a debug version5. please try it. Caution! this version is High Memory Usage. Download speed, please look at the Resource Monitor.

It may also under the influence of anti-virus software.

nhantrn commented 9 years ago

Download speed is ~750KB/s for debug5.

amate commented 9 years ago

How much upload speed? Upload must begin after the download is finished.

nhantrn commented 9 years ago

I don't know of another upload service that is HTTP-only, so I do not know if my test is accurate.

But I tried upload. Upload speed with Proxydomo is about the same compare to with no Proxydomo. I got around ~365KB/s upload. However, I think limit speed for free users. So I cannot be sure this is accurate.

amate commented 9 years ago

"Upload" means speed between the browser and the Proxydomo. upload How much speed between the browser and the Proxydomo when you download a file?

nhantrn commented 9 years ago


amate commented 9 years ago

In the image Proxydomo is downloading in 6MB/s. Should upload to the browser begins after the end of the download in Proxydomo side as the video.

nhantrn commented 9 years ago

Here's the video i recorded: It got up to 9MB/s, but I assume this is a wrong reading. The real download speed of the file was ~350KB/s. As you can see in the video, it went up to 7 minutes and still not finish downloading.

nhantrn commented 9 years ago

After doing some testing, I've found the trouble causing this speed slow down.

First of, I'm really sorry for causing you trouble because this is a local issue that doesn't involved Proxydomo. But in the process, I've also found something interesting with the original Proxomitron.

Ok, I've this small program that monitor my home network traffic called Networx ( In its setting, there's an option "Ignore local traffic within LAN" image

When that setting is on, it slows down Proxymodo's speed. When I turn this setting off, Proxydomo speed is normal.

I haven't notice this before because when I still use the original Proxomitron, Networx doesn't affect Proxomitron's speed at all. And I've been using both program for many years. Somehow Proxomitron is able to classify itself as non-local, so Networx doesn't detect it.

Would it be possible to make Proxydomo hides itself from Networx?

amate commented 9 years ago

I made a debug version6. please try it. It would be resolved perhaps in this version.

nhantrn commented 9 years ago

Still same if Ignore local traffic in on in Networx setting.

amate commented 9 years ago

I made a debug version7. please try it. In this version Proxydomo use the same winsock2.0 as Proxomitron's using.

nhantrn commented 9 years ago

Libreoffice starts downloading ~650KB/s, then about one-thirdway through, reached ~2.0MB/s. Windows10 starts out at ~650KB/s, goes to 1.8MB/s for a little bit, then drop back down to ~650KB/s.

It's working, but unstable.

amate commented 9 years ago

I made a debug version8. please try it. Would resolve finally.

nhantrn commented 9 years ago

I'm getting 2.5 MB/s with Networx local traffic mode. If local traffic monitor is off, I'm getting my maximum speed 4 MB/s!

And I notice Proxydomo's filtering speed is much faster than Proxomitron in general. Proxomitron max out at 1.8 MB/s download on my pc with Networx mode on or off, whereas your program could give me maximum speed.

Nice job amate :+1: Scott Lemmon would have been impressed with you!

amate commented 9 years ago

v1.55 fixed