amateur80lvl / lxcex

Lightweight privacy-focused desktop operating system based on Devuan and LXC
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 1 forks source link

Just a note of encouragement after a ramble #1

Open opticblu opened 4 months ago

opticblu commented 4 months ago
  1. This is dope

  2. I do something similar though not as sophisticated on Arch (systemd, sorry not sorry) using Incus, which is worth a look with Canonical out of the picture, if only for manageability— not sure how it is with other init systems, probably fine? with some quirks?

As far as cleaning up the UI, or making it more ‘usable’, I map different keybinds to trigger rofi (Wayland) from different incus containers, and just theme each container’s rofi differently, kinda like qubes color coding, just not particularly secure or coherent, though much faster

Using hyprland on host desktop, lots of window rule options, and it’s getting quite stable; still working on getting different container’s spawned windows to have different border colors through hyprland rules, might have to PR that one though :/

it’s not exactly in the spirit of privacy, but maybe consider having an IRC channel or whatever people use that isn’t Discord? Matrix? There’s been a few small projects here and there to do something similar that never got traction or visibility, but with the recent uptick in Linux desktop users and the ahem… increasing awareness around privacy, now might be the time?

wasn’t sure how else to get in touch but this is cool and I look forward to giving it a spin in the coming weeks!

keep it up, this is awesome!

amateur80lvl commented 4 months ago

Eternal pleasure, surely.

I believe Incus makes life a lot easier but it hides all the details I want to learn. That's why I don't use anything higher level than LXC. So I can't answer your question, sorry. As for systemd, I like its approach as init system but no more. Given how much it exposes on dbus I believe it's a serious threat for privacy.

I'm lazily setting up a connection to Libera Chat over Tor network, but I have no idea when I get there. So, its maybe worth creating a channel there? Also, it might be good to create a page or wiki either on github or some better place and start collecting links to similar projects?

All the best :)