amay077 / Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps

Map library for Xamarin.Forms using Google maps API
MIT License
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Custom BitmapDescriptor caching not working when FromView used #619

Open jocontacter opened 5 years ago

jocontacter commented 5 years ago




Too low performance map.Add(pin) when used BitmapDescriptorFactory.FromView(on Samsung 8 for 95 pins ~14sec)

My workaround to not to use BitmapDescriptorFactory.FromView() but use BitmapDescriptorFactory.FromStream(null, some_id). You hid Utils class so I was forced to copypaste that code to my project and in CachingNativeBitmapDescriptorFactory cache Created AndroidBitmapDescriptor's from view. In such way performance is very well.

public AndroidBitmapDescriptor ToNative(BitmapDescriptor descriptor)
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(descriptor.Id))
        var discountText = descriptor.Id.Split("%");

        var cacheEntry = _cache.GetOrAdd(descriptor.Id, _ => Convert(new PinView(discountText[0]+"%", discountText[1] == "1" ? true : false)));
        return cacheEntry;

    return DefaultBitmapDescriptorFactory.Instance.ToNative(descriptor);

private AndroidBitmapDescriptor Convert(Xamarin.Forms.View iconView)
    var nativeView = Utils.ConvertFormsToNative(
        new Xamarin.Forms.Rectangle(0, 0, Utils.DpToPx((float)iconView.WidthRequest), Utils.DpToPx((float)iconView.HeightRequest)),
        Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.Platform.CreateRendererWithContext(iconView, CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity));
    var otherView = new FrameLayout(nativeView.Context);
    nativeView.LayoutParameters = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(Utils.DpToPx((float)iconView.WidthRequest), Utils.DpToPx((float)iconView.HeightRequest));
    return Utils.ConvertViewToBitmapDescriptor(otherView);
mehmetulutug commented 5 years ago

hello jocontacter;

can u share the utils library ?

jocontacter commented 5 years ago

hello jocontacter;

can u share the utils library ?

check message attaches If you want some example - welcome

AndroidUtils.txt iOSUtils.txt

dejanbasic commented 4 years ago

Hey @jocontacter could you please show me example of using the utils library?