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REQUEST: Add compatibility with Mi Band 4? #61

Open g0wfv opened 5 years ago

g0wfv commented 5 years ago

Is it possible for to be modified to work with Mi Band 4 .bin file?

dpeddi commented 5 years ago

Maybe but I have few spare time now... If someone could help I can add him/her to this project as developer

g0wfv commented 5 years ago

Done it!

The fix was very simple in the end ....

<       PLTE_len='\x00\x00\x00'+chr(len(PLTE_chunk))
>                 char1=len(PLTE_chunk)
>                 char2=0
>                 char3=0
>                 char4=0
>                 while char1>16777216:
>                         char4=char4+1
>                         char1=char1-16777216
>                 while char1>65536:
>                         char3=char3+1
>                         char1=char1-65536
>                 while char1>256:
>                         char2=char2+1
>                         char1=char1-256
>                 PLTE_len=chr(char4)+chr(char3)+chr(char2)+chr(char1)

Although this is overkill (handles more colours than the Mi Band 4 can use apparently!) it should be future proof to a certain degree, and there's probably a more elegant way to do it!

paduel commented 5 years ago

This code does the same thing, but it's more compact.

PLTE_len = ''
for p in range(3,-1,-1):
    char_d, char_r = divmod(char_r, 256**p)
    PLTE_len = PLTE_len + chr(char_d)

But in any case, when I try to unpack a Mi Band 4 bin file, it determines the number of resources, throws a 0 version and a negative resoffset, and finally tells me for all resources ERROR: 83 isn't a bitmap resource

@g0wfv how did you get it to work?