amazon-archives / amazon-cognito-identity-js

Amazon Cognito Identity SDK for JavaScript
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Resend code to verify email for unauthenticated user #490

Open yulric opened 7 years ago

yulric commented 7 years ago

Hi there,

In our app we treat users who do not have a verified email address as if they are unconfirmed. This works fine with cognito until they change their email to another value. Now the user is confirmed in cognito but not in our system meaning they can't login and can't get the system to resend a code to verify their email. Is it possible to do this?


itrestian commented 7 years ago

Why do you need to maintain a separate system for this?

yulric commented 7 years ago

In our application we route all client requests to cognito to our server i.e. the client never makes cognito requests directly to AWS. This is mainly done due to differences in the way cognito handles authentication.

vlekakis commented 7 years ago

Since you have this two-way system, sounds like you need to maintain extra mappings but i don't see what type of help we can provide here since from what you describe your other system is not consistent with the latest user data