amazon-archives / amazon-cognito-identity-js

Amazon Cognito Identity SDK for JavaScript
984 stars 454 forks source link

Humbly request to re-write this SDK in today's javascript standard #681

Open musso opened 6 years ago

musso commented 6 years ago

Hi core team,

To minimise the headache of using this popular library( got over 4000 npm downloads everyday).

Here are some suggestions to improve code quality.

  1. Use promise instead of passing callback (
  2. Use TypeScript for type-checking
  3. Use lodash or similar library to deal with object / array instead of passing a raw object / array

Or please suggest the development roadmap so that we dont have to build our own layer of interface on top of this.

Seem to me that this library was developed / initialised by non-javascript/ modern javascript developers. For others having same thought, please share your difficulties / suggestions on using this library.

Many Thanks,


itrestian commented 6 years ago

You might want to have a look at AWS Amplify that exposes a higher level interface for Auth over this library: