amazon-archives / amazon-cognito-identity-js

Amazon Cognito Identity SDK for JavaScript
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Adds missing 'listDevices' function to CognitoUser class for TypeScript type safety #687

Closed mrowles closed 6 years ago

mrowles commented 6 years ago

This function is missing from the CognitoUser class in index.d.ts which causes issues trying to use it in TS projects.

I've also done this in the Amplify repository.

itrestian commented 6 years ago

Can you make the above changes here:

Note the notice on the front of this repo that we have changed where this repository is hosted.

mrowles commented 6 years ago

Thanks @itrestian. As stated in the comments, I have already made this PR successfully there, so all good on that front :)

However, I did raise it because from what I can see, it is quite a different implementation in the new repository (unless I'm missing something?). It seems to only allow usage with the Auth class rather than maintain the original code i.e., import {CognitoUser} from 'amazon-cognito-identity-js'. I understand that this may be better going forward, but I want to use this repository until I can spend the time migrating it to the new code, thus the very small change I made to continue this support.

Also, the new repository's auth package README still refers to this repository.

Let me know what you think. Thanks again!

itrestian commented 6 years ago

No, that should still work if you install via npm with the version of 2.0.0! We update npm from that repository as well so you should be fine.

mrowles commented 6 years ago

@itrestian Ah, you legend, I completely missed that point. So v2 references the Amplify repo package as opposed to this one, that makes sense. Thanks for the heads up, apologies for the PR time waster!