amazon-archives / amazon-dsstne

Deep Scalable Sparse Tensor Network Engine (DSSTNE) is an Amazon developed library for building Deep Learning (DL) machine learning (ML) models
Apache License 2.0
4.41k stars 729 forks source link

Changes to Makefile to output build (and temporary build) artifacts i… #197

Closed kiukA9 closed 6 years ago

kiukA9 commented 6 years ago
  1. Makefile changes to output all build and temporary build artifacts into a $BUILD_DIR directory (default value is <git-repo-root>/build)
  2. build shared library from the utils/* directory
  3. copy utils/*.h headers into include/amazon/dsstne/utils
  4. 2 and #3 allow users to take API dependencies on dsstne utils

  5. Implemented a proper install target that installs dsstne into the directory specified by PREFIX (default is <git-repo-root>/amazon-dsstne)
cd src/amazon/dsstne/engine
tree build


├── [kiuk            4096]  bin
│   ├── [kiuk        21347680]  encoder
│   ├── [kiuk        21348072]  generateNetCDF
│   ├── [kiuk        21357960]  predict
│   └── [kiuk        21352056]  train
├── [kiuk            4096]  include
│   └── [kiuk            4096]  amazon
│       └── [kiuk            4096]  dsstne
│           ├── [kiuk            4096]  engine
│           │   ├── [kiuk           65549]  bitonic.h
│           │   ├── [kiuk            2229]  GpuSort.h
│           │   ├── [kiuk           22636]  GpuTypes.h
│           │   ├── [kiuk           39135]  kernels.h
│           │   ├── [kiuk            1076]  NNEnum.h
│           │   ├── [kiuk           17451]  NNLayer.h
│           │   ├── [kiuk           18240]  NNNetwork.h
│           │   ├── [kiuk           56662]  NNTypes.h
│           │   └── [kiuk            7406]  NNWeight.h
│           └── [kiuk            4096]  utils
│               ├── [kiuk            1070]  cdl.h
│               ├── [kiuk            3652]  Filters.h
│               ├── [kiuk           10366]  NetCDFhelper.h
│               ├── [kiuk            1804]  NNRecsGenerator.h
│               └── [kiuk            4380]  Utils.h
├── [kiuk            4096]  lib
│   ├── [kiuk        24035584]  libdsstne.a
│   └── [kiuk        21747312]
└── [kiuk            4096]  tmp
    ├── [kiuk            4096]  engine
    │   ├── [kiuk            4096]  cpp
    │   │   ├── [kiuk           38736]  GpuTypes.o
    │   │   ├── [kiuk          243304]  NNLayer.o
    │   │   ├── [kiuk          326608]  NNNetwork.o
    │   │   ├── [kiuk         1032296]  NNTypes.o
    │   │   └── [kiuk          100424]  NNWeight.o
    │   └── [kiuk            4096]  cuda
    │       ├── [kiuk           81608]  kActivation.o
    │       ├── [kiuk        10794048]  kDelta.o
    │       ├── [kiuk         6375760]  kernels.o
    │       └── [kiuk         4832000]  kLoss.o
    └── [kiuk            4096]  utils
        ├── [kiuk            4096]  cpp
        │   ├── [kiuk           27800]  cdl.o
        │   ├── [kiuk           32704]  Filters.o
        │   ├── [kiuk           34648]  main.o
        │   ├── [kiuk           24880]  NetCDFGenerator.o
        │   ├── [kiuk          111408]  NetCDFhelper.o
        │   ├── [kiuk           38192]  NNRecsGenerator.o
        │   ├── [kiuk           59832]  Predict.o
        │   ├── [kiuk           35040]  Train.o
        │   └── [kiuk           69952]  Utils.o
        └── [kiuk            4096]  cuda

Description of changes:

By submitting this pull request, I confirm that my contribution is made under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.