amazon-archives / aws-amplify-serverless-plugin

Plugin for the Serverless Framework to output AWS Amplify configuration files.
Apache License 2.0
124 stars 30 forks source link

Support Amazon Pinpoint #15

Open adrianhall opened 5 years ago

adrianhall commented 5 years ago

Amazon Pinpoint needs to support CloudFormation first, but when it does, add the following:

    PinpointAnalytics: {
      Default: {
        AppId: pinpointResource.output.Id,
        Region: 'us-east-1',
    PinpointTargeting: {
      Default: {
        Region: 'us-east-1',
adrianhall commented 5 years ago

Pinpoint is not available in CloudFormation yet - on hold until it is.

paalex commented 4 years ago

Pinpoint is now supported on CloudFormation: