amazon-archives / aws-sdk-unity

ARCHIVED: The aws sdk for unity is now distributed as a part of aws sdk for dotnet:
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(Mobile Analytics) The timestamp on the _session.stop event is that of the awakening time, and not the stopping time. #82

Closed rcha closed 9 years ago

rcha commented 9 years ago

The timestamp of the _session.stop event should have the timestamp of the last _session.pause event and not the timestamp of when the app last came to the foreground.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Hi, thanks for reporting this issue! We are fixing it.

noamgat commented 9 years ago

As I mentioned here : I think the solution is simply to move the code

  // update session info
            _stopTime = currentTime;

To after the event is sent in Session.StopSession()

ghost commented 9 years ago

Hi, we have fixed it in AWS SDK for Unity