amazon-archives / aws-waf-sample

This repository contains example scripts and sets of rules for the AWS WAF service. Please be aware that the applicability of these examples to specific workloads may vary.
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Using with Application ELB #17

Open fiftysixbit opened 7 years ago

fiftysixbit commented 7 years ago

How do I use this set of conditions with app elb and an app that doesn't use cloudfront but uses a third-party CDN instead.

radykal-com commented 7 years ago

We have adapted the block-bad-behaving example to work with Application Load Balancers. Since waf-regional is not yet impemented in cloudformation, we have a python script that generates the waf-regional resources (IPSet, WebAcl, Rule...) with boto3. Also changed the lambda code to parse the ALB logs since the format is different from the ones from cloudfront