amazon-archives / awsmobile-cli

CLI experience for Frontend developers in the JavaScript ecosystem.
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Issue with the word 'team' in the API name? #160

Open jbarwick opened 6 years ago

jbarwick commented 6 years ago

I have a tiny little app with only 14 API endpoints/lambda functions.

Doing an awsmobile pull/push seems to work as expected by not pushing or zipping or uploading API backend files that have not changed. No changes, no execution of CloudFormation UPDATE.

Now, I have a DynamoDB called "team". So, when I went to create a CRUD for that table, and having made ZERO changes to the standard template, every awsmobile push comes with a zip/upload of the 'team' NodeJS program and an execution of CloudFormation Update.

Is there an issue with the name 'team?' Do I need to not use this name for a dynamoDb table? or Cloud-API endpoint?

This is the same behavioud after having Deleted the CloudFormation stack and restarting the entire API from scratch .... twice...

UnleashedMind commented 6 years ago

I don't think 'team' is a reserved word, let me try to reproduce it and update you.

jbarwick commented 6 years ago

This may be related to time skew.

I noticed that some dates have milliseconds and some do not.


2018-06-15T13:43:34.654 And 2018-06-15T13:43:34

Although exactly the same time (within 654 milliseconds), this kind of discrepancy might make the CLI think this API was edited after the last push.

Or, being so far away from Virginia (on the other side of the planet 12 time zones away), there may be another time skew issue.

And, this API is the last api when sorted alphabetically...