amazon-archives / cloudwatch-logs-subscription-consumer

A specialized Amazon Kinesis stream reader (based on the Amazon Kinesis Connector Library) that can help you deliver data from Amazon CloudWatch Logs to any other system in near real-time using a CloudWatch Logs Subscription Filter.
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How to map a geo_point in indices that are created automatically by elasticsearch-kopf? #14

Open muhammadsr opened 8 years ago

muhammadsr commented 8 years ago

I would really appreciate any help with the following issue:

Take a look at the mapping for the following index


From the mapping above, you can see that the Coordinate property type is a stringtype but it would be nice if I can find a way to ensure that this property is of type geo_point.

Keep in mind that if I manually change the mapping for Coordinate to geo_point, it will work and Kibana will recognize it as a geo_point type. However, when kopf automatically creates another daily index, it will map Coordinate as a string type and Kibana will get a mapping conflict.

dvassallo commented 8 years ago

I think what you need is to specify your index mappings in an index template with the cwl-* prefix. There is already an existing index template that you can modify, or else you can add a new index template from the Elasticsearch API.