amazon-archives / cloudwatch-logs-subscription-consumer

A specialized Amazon Kinesis stream reader (based on the Amazon Kinesis Connector Library) that can help you deliver data from Amazon CloudWatch Logs to any other system in near real-time using a CloudWatch Logs Subscription Filter.
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Cloudformation doesn't start sample template #4

Closed RyuJungDae closed 8 years ago

RyuJungDae commented 8 years ago

Hi, I am aws begginer operator

I want kinesis, elasticsearch and kibana So google search and this sample discover. I want Earnestly this sample(Cloudformation) start. But, sample template for make Cloudformation, error issue.

19:12:55 UTC+0900 ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS AWS::CloudFormation::Stack fff The following resource(s) failed to create: [WaitCondition]. . Rollback requested by user. 19:12:53 UTC+0900 CREATE_FAILED AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition WaitCondition WaitCondition received failed message: 'failed to run cfn-init' for uniqueId: i-c227a060 Physical ID:arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-northeast-1:432113265161:stack/fff/f9925e20-5090-11e5-911f-5001aba75438/WaitHandle 19:09:45 UTC+0900 CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup ElasticsearchServerGroup
19:07:57 UTC+0900 CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup ElasticsearchServerGroup Resource creation Initiated 19:07:56 UTC+0900 CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition WaitCondition Resource creation Initiated

Please, help me

dvassallo commented 8 years ago

Hello @RyuJungDae - You may want to check out issue #1 to see if your stack is also failing to start because it cannot find the CloudWatch Logs log group.

Note that to see the cfn-init log you would need to set the "Rollback on Failure" option to "No" while setting up the CloudFormation stack.

No Rollback on Failure

Then you would be able to ssh to any one of your EC2 instances using the key pair you chose when setting up the CloudFormation stack:

chmod 400 <your-key>.pem
ssh -i "<your-key>.pem" ec2-user@<ec2-public-ip>

From the EC2 instance you may want to check the following log files for any errors:

RyuJungDae commented 8 years ago

Thank you very much~. I fixed issue.