In my environment, I hav AWS EKS - 1.16 with metric server v0.5.0 and hpa. I have installed this v0.10.0 Cloudwatch adapter to the cluster under namespace custom-metrics
kubectl get --raw "/apis/" | jq .
ScalingActive False FailedGetExternalMetric the HPA was unable to compute the replica count: unable to get external metric perf/hello-queue-length/nil: unable to fetch metrics from external metrics API: no metric query found
1 metric_cache.go:44] metric not found ExternalMetric/perf/hello-queue-length
httplog.go:90] GET /apis/ (2.511725ms) 400 [kube-controller-manager/v1.16.15 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/cf75c96/system:serviceaccount:kube-system:horizontal-pod-autoscaler]
Both HPA (sqs-consumer-scaler) and ExternalMetric (sqs-helloworld-length) are installed on the same namespace as app. Here in this case perf
In my environment, I hav AWS EKS - 1.16 with metric server v0.5.0 and hpa. I have installed this v0.10.0 Cloudwatch adapter to the cluster under namespace custom-metrics
kubectl get --raw "/apis/" | jq .
I have attached IAM Role to the service-account as below:
for the OIDC with sub assystem:serviceaccount:custom-metrics:k8s-cloudwatch-adapter
While i try to follow the steps as on scaling-kubernetes-deployments-with-amazon-cloudwatch-metrics, the HPA shows the below error and scaling does not happen.
I see the below message on adapter logs
Both HPA (sqs-consumer-scaler) and ExternalMetric (sqs-helloworld-length) are installed on the same namespace as app. Here in this case perf
What would be the reason for this failure?