In the current version BraketAHS.jl supports only Time Evolving Block Decimation (TEBD) algorithm.
Time dependent variational principle (TDVP) is another common algorithm for computing time evolution of MPS quantum states.
iTensor.jl package supports TDVP as a core subroutine:
TDVP algorithm enables more efficient calculations for long-range interactions. In the case of Rydberg atom system this corresponds to shorter iteratomic distances, or large blockade radius.
Goal: Add TDVP algorithm to the BraketAHS.jl package. User will be able to choose between TEBD (default) and TDVP algorithms at runtime.
TDVP Input Parameters:
AHS program
maxdim (Max MPS bond dimension)
cutoff (truncation cutoff for each TDVP evolution step)
Output: [the same types of the outputs as for default TEBD algorithm]
MPS samples at t=T (end of the evolution)
Expectation values of Rydberg densities at intermediate time steps.
Correlator at t=T (end of the evolution).
The selection between TEBD and TDVP algorithm should be done by passing a command line option to mps_runner.jl.
--algorithm tebd [tdvp]
The options are: tebd, tdvp.
In the current version BraketAHS.jl supports only Time Evolving Block Decimation (TEBD) algorithm.
Time dependent variational principle (TDVP) is another common algorithm for computing time evolution of MPS quantum states. iTensor.jl package supports TDVP as a core subroutine: TDVP algorithm enables more efficient calculations for long-range interactions. In the case of Rydberg atom system this corresponds to shorter iteratomic distances, or large blockade radius.
Goal: Add TDVP algorithm to the BraketAHS.jl package. User will be able to choose between TEBD (default) and TDVP algorithms at runtime.
TDVP Input Parameters:
Output: [the same types of the outputs as for default TEBD algorithm]
The selection between TEBD and TDVP algorithm should be done by passing a command line option to mps_runner.jl.
--algorithm tebd [tdvp]
The options are: tebd, tdvp.