amazon-connect / amazon-connect-chat-ui-examples

Examples of how to create and customize the customer side chat for Amazon Connect
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Replace default "System_message" and "Bot" Values #126

Closed reziakk closed 1 year ago

reziakk commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm looking for a way to replace the "SYSTEM_MESSAGE" and "BOT" when receiving messages. Already tried to replace the values in constants/index.js

export const chatParties = { SYSTEM_MESSAGE: 'Another value', BOT: 'Another value' }

Is there a way to replace it? To change for a custom value to display when the user receive the message from the system, meaning Contact Flow or the Bot?

spencerlepine commented 1 year ago

Hi @reziakk,

There is currently no way to configure SYSTEM_MESSAGE or BOT name in your contact flow. This is hard-coded internally and customizing this is unfortunately not a feature. You will need to hardcode this in the UI, and we provide open source code for you to customize.

Can you include details about your setup? Are you using the customChatWidget ui-example code, referring to this file? -

customChatWidget updates

You can fork the open source code and generate a custom amazon-connect-chat-interface.js bundle file.

You could hard code new displayName for the incoming messages, in this ChatMessage.js#L175 file:

An incoming transcript item over the websocket will look like this:

        transportDetails: {
          direction: 'Incoming',
          status: 'SendSuccess',
        AbsoluteTime: AbsoluteTime + 4000,
        MessageMetadata: {
          MessageId: '31bf18c9-d80b-4f75-8145-c47946a26e03',
          Receipts: [],
          'Hello, Welcome to our Contact Center, connecting you with an agent now',
        ContentType: 'text/plain',
        DisplayName: 'SYSTEM_MESSAGE',
        Id: '31bf18c9-d80b-4f75-8145-c47946a26e03',
        ParticipantId: 'bcd32342-dd03-42ce-9288-9c44ebf81c4e',
        ParticipantRole: 'SYSTEM',
        Type: 'MESSAGE',
        Id: 'bulletedList2',
        Type: 'message',
        ParticipantId: '123',
        AbsoluteTime: AbsoluteTime + 5000,
        ParticipantRole: 'CUSTOMER',
        transportDetails: {
          direction: 'Outgoing',
          status: 'SendSuccess',
        content: {
          data: '* item3 \n * item4',
  1. Clone the open source code
$ git clone
$ cd amazon-connect-chat-interface
$ npm install
  1. Edit the ChatMessage.js component

export class ParticipantMessage  {
  static propTypes = {
    messageDetails: PT.object.isRequired,
    incomingMsgStyle: PT.object,
    outgoingMsgStyle: PT.object,
    mediaOperations: PT.object,
    isLatestMessage: PT.bool,
    shouldShowMessageReceipts: PT.bool,
    sendReadReceipt: PT.func.isRequired,

  constructor(props) {

  renderHeader() {
    const isOutgoingMsg = this.props.messageDetails.transportDetails.direction === Direction.Outgoing;
+   let displayName = this.props.messageDetails.displayName || (isOutgoingMsg ? "Customer" : "Agent");
+   if (displayName === "BOT" || displayName === "SYSTEM_MESSAGE") {
+     displayName = "ALEXA"
+   }
    const transportDetails = this.props.messageDetails.transportDetails;

    return (
      <Header.Sender>{ displayName } < /Header.Sender>
      < Header.Status > { transportStatusElement } < /Header.Status>
      < /React.Fragment>

  // ...
  1. Generate a new bundle file
$ npm run release
# open the build output folder
  1. Replace the old amazon-connect-chat-interface.js:

Hosted Widget Updates

Otherwise, if you are using the OOTB Amazon Connect Hosted Chat Widget, you can follow the documentation to customize SYSTEM_MESSAGE and BOT name:

Please let us know if this is help resolve your use case, or you had further questions.

Thanks, Spencer

reziakk commented 1 year ago

amazon-connect-interface it is not generating the build file after the npm run release. also tried the npm run build and npm run dev-build as suggested in the git page.

seems that the test script it is not going through:

No tests found, exiting with code 1 Run with --passWithNoTests to exit with code 0 In C:\Users\%username%\amazon-connect-chat-interface 107 files checked. testMatch: C:/Users/%username%/amazon-connect-chat-interface/src//tests//*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}, C:/Users/%username%/amazon-connect-chat-interface/src/*\?(.)(spec|test).{js,jsx,ts,tsx} - 0 matches testPathIgnorePatterns: \node_modules\ - 107 matches testRegex: - 0 matches Pattern: - 0 matches

tried to use the --passWithNoTests too but still exits as code 1 and doesn't go through.

spencerlepine commented 1 year ago

Hi @reziakk, can you try just running node scripts/build.js, or removing npm run coverage from the build script? You may want to use Node 16 LTS (nvm tool could help).

amazon-connect-chat-interface.js file should end up in build/dist/static/js folder after a successful run.

The npm run release is running npm run coverage AND node scripts/builds.

Team is working on fix to support newer version of Node. You may run into issues until then. It is taking longer since we need to upgrade from webpack 4.

Here is an example package.json that should work:

$ npm install
$ npm run release
  "name": "@amzn/connect-chat-interface",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "homepage": "",
  "author": "Amazon Web Services",
  "license": "MIT-0",
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": "git+"
  "engines": {
    "node": ">=16.0.0"
  "browserslist": [
    "not dead",
    "not ie <= 11",
    "not op_mini all"
  "scripts": {
    "build": "node scripts/build.js",
    "release": "npm run build",
    "debug": "npm run dev-build && node scripts/copyToOutput.js",
    "dev-build": "NODE_ENV=development npx webpack --config configuration/",
    "dev-watch": "nodemon --watch src -x \"NODE_ENV=development npx webpack --config configuration/ && cp build/dist/static/js/amazon-connect-chat-interface.js  local-testing/\"",
    "clean": "rm -rf build/ node_modules build",
    "test": "node scripts/test.js",
    "coverage": "node scripts/test.js --coverage",
    "test:watch": "node scripts/test.js --watchAll"
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    "setupFilesAfterEnv": [
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      "^react-native$": "react-native-web",
      "^connect-components/(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/components/$1",
      "^connect-core$": "<rootDir>/src/components/core/",
      "^connect-services/(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/services/$1",
      "^connect-chat$": "<rootDir>/src/components/Chat",
      "^connect-chat/(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/components/Chat/$1",
      "^connect-constants$": "<rootDir>/src/constants/global",
      "^connect-hooks$": "<rootDir>/src/hooks",
      "^connect-images$": "<rootDir>/src/assets/images",
      "^connect-prop-types$": "<rootDir>/src/propTypes",
      "^connect-theme$": "<rootDir>/src/theme",
      "^connect-theme/(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/theme/$1",
      "^connect-app-context/(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/context/$1",
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      "pre-commit": "npm run build && cp build/dist/static/js/amazon-connect-chat-interface.js local-testing/ && git add local-testing/amazon-connect-chat-interface.js"
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reziakk commented 1 year ago

Amazing , working as expected, Thanks for that.