amazon-connect / amazon-connect-chatjs

Amazon Connect ChatJS - a browser-based contact center integration API for Chat on the Agent and Customer side.
Apache License 2.0
91 stars 53 forks source link

Callbacks not called when its mounted next time #199

Closed AnilSonix closed 6 months ago

AnilSonix commented 9 months ago

I am using ccp panel in react app The panel is mounted successfully , and corresponding callbacks also like onAuthorizeSuccess , onInitialized etc calls working properly

But after I navigate to another page, I terminate the ccp panel. But it complains that iframe dom node is not found (as react completely removed the dom node when navigated to different page).

Next time, when I come to ccp page, it init the ccp panel again , it gets mounted, but this time callbacks are not called.

How can I use this with the react ecosystem?

spenlep-amzn commented 6 months ago

Hi @AnilSonix,

It appears this issue is related to StreamsJS API and embeded CCP. We own ChatJS, which does not control any iframe logic.

Please direct this towards the owners and raise an issue here:

Thanks -Spencer

AnilSonix commented 6 months ago

Thanks, I added there also