Hi, I just noticed that support for native go Time was most recently added to marshal. I was wondering if the same support could be added for the unmarshal as well. I looked at unmarshal.go and it seems like only ion.Timestamp is supported.
Currently the following happens:
val, _ := ion.MarshalText(time.Now())
result := new(time.Time)
err = ion.Unmarshal(val, result)
// ion: cannot decode 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC into time.Time
Hi, I just noticed that support for native go Time was most recently added to marshal. I was wondering if the same support could be added for the unmarshal as well. I looked at unmarshal.go and it seems like only ion.Timestamp is supported. https://github.com/amzn/ion-go/blob/master/ion/unmarshal.go#L86
Currently the following happens: