Every flush() results in copies of all "entries" logged so far, followed by the most recent "entry". Is this PEBKAC[1], or a bug?
type IonWriter = Writer<v1_1::Binary, File>;
pub struct Log {
ion_writer: IonWriter,
impl Log {
pub fn write_entry(
&mut self,
module_path: &str,
event_kind: EventKind,
write_content: impl FnOnce(&mut EntryWriter<'_>),
) {
let mut entry_writer = EntryWriter::new(self, module_path, event_kind);
write_content(&mut entry_writer);
let _ = entry_writer.ion_writer.close();
let _ = self.ion_writer.flush();
type IonContentWriter<'a> =
// Viewing the top-level writer as a context where values can be written...
<<IonWriter as MakeValueWriter>
// ...this will be the list writer type.
::ValueWriter<'a> as ValueWriter>::ListWriter;
// This is indeed an unfortunately complicated way to have to refer to the type. x_x
// This type (a list writer) implements `SequenceWriter`.
pub struct EntryWriter<'f> {
ion_writer: IonContentWriter<'f>,
impl<'f> EntryWriter<'f> {
pub fn new(
log: &'f mut Log,
module_path: &str,
event_kind: EventKind,
) -> Self {
let mut ion_writer = log.ion_writer.list_writer().expect("logger ListWriter creation failed");
use chrono::Utc;
let now = Utc::now().naive_utc();
let event_timestamp = ion_rs::Timestamp::from_datetime(now, ion_rs::TimestampPrecision::Second);
let _ = ion_writer.write(event_timestamp);
let event_source = format!("{:?}::{module_path}", EventSource::iotaSOFT_UI);
let _ = ion_writer.write(event_source);
let _ = ion_writer.write(format!("{:?}", event_kind));
Self {
ion_writer: ion_writer,
pub fn write_name(&mut self, s: &str) {
let _ = self.ion_writer.write_symbol(s);
pub fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) {
let _ = self.ion_writer.write(s);
[1] PEBKAC: Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Chair.
results in copies of all "entries" logged so far, followed by the most recent "entry". Is this PEBKAC[1], or a bug?[1] PEBKAC: Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Chair.